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"Okay, to be honest, I am super nervous."
- Areum said and I chuckled.
"Why?" - I asked as I put my clothes on.
We were now in the changing room, at Inkigayo stadium to be exact.

"Um, hello? Do you know about my choreography with Hoseok? It's just.. We need to show that we're in love in that one." - she said.
"Oh yeah. That's a great opportunity for you right?" - Suya got in the conversation.

"What if I mess up?" - Areum said and started going back and forth.
"You won't. We will all be great, okay?" - I said and she nodded.
"Now calm down, you need to enjoy your moment on stage." - I winked at her.
Her and Hoseok's choreography was super hot and I am so jealous.

"I would never think that I would go to a boy's house. Alone." - Hee Ji said.
"Oh right. How was at Taehyung's? Did you two have fun?" - Yuna asked.
"Let's spill the tea sisters." - MinMin said and Hee Ji nodded.

"First of all, I was kind of scared. Going to a vampire's house is pretty.. Nevermind. Taehyung is so sweet and gentle. Can he be my husband please?" - she said and we laughed.

"Okay, Jin is also sweet. He offered me a drink and then, we talked a little. He told me his "dad jokes" which were super funny. The night went pretty well. And I never thought I'd say this but, I think I'm falling in love." - Suya said and we all let out surprised screams.

"What about you, Yuna?" - I asked her.
"Same goes for Namjoon. I guess all the boys are super kind and awesome, despite the fact that they are..you know what." - she said.
"He's the God of destruction actually. He's super clumsy and breaks a lot of stuff. He even showed me his basement where he keeps all the broken things." - she said and we chuckled.

"What about you and Jungkook? Did you get a little touchy with your boyfriend?"
- Areum said and gave me a perverted look.
"If you're thinking about that thing, I'm still a virgin you know? And yes, we know how to make love and all that stuff so there's no point of telling you cause you already know how a couple can spend the night."
- I said and they all nodded.

"MinMin?" - I turned to her.
"Oh right. Jimin is the cutest human, no, he's the cutest vampire on earth. Especially his little fingers uwu. He's an amazing dancer tho. I was able to learn the choreography really fast because of him. Our choreography is really funny and good. I can't wait for everyone to see it." - she finished.

"Okay. Yoongi is that cold person on first look, but he's actually the softest vampire of all. He has a good heart. It was awkward for us to dance on this choreography when we first tried it, especially my moves. But, you gotta do what you gotta do. We mustn't disappoint Mrs. Jia and Mr. Jaemin." - Joo said and we all agreed.

"It will be cool to see each other dance for the first time. I have no idea how your choreos look like." - I said and fixed my makeup.
"Are you girls ready?" - we heard Mrs. Jia knock on our door and we let her in.
"Yup." - Areum said and Mrs. Jia smiled.
"I can't wait to see you dance. Now, the show is starting in ten minutes. Prepare yourself for the best time of your lives." - she said and left.

"First up, Kim Namjoon and Kim Yuna!" - the host said as we all cheered in our seats and Namjoon and Yuna went up on stage.

"Wow!" - the host said as we all screamed.
"That was amazing. Thank you Namjoon and Yuna." - she said as both of them got backstage.

"Okay, next we got Kim Seokjin and Suyang!"

"That was really good! Thank you Suya and Seokjin!"

"Welcome Min Yoongi and Min Joo!"

"Now please make some noise for Jung Hoseok and Lee Areum!"

"Wow! That was absolutely amazing!"

"Next up we have Park Jimin and Lee Min!"

"What a sexy performance that was! Thank you guys."

"Now we have a performance in the feels of.. cat and dog."

"Thank you Taehyung and Hee Ji!"

"And last but not least we have the favorite couple of Riverside High." - the host said, whispering that "favourite couple".

"Seriously? Who are we favourite to?"

Jungkook grabbed my hand and we went up on stage.

"Blow it up for Jungkook and Ji Eun!"

"Woohoo! You two were amazing!" - the girls screamed.
"By the way Hoseok and Ari that was fantastic! I loved your choreography." - I gave a perverted look to both of them.
"What?" - I whispered to her and she knew I was right.
"Hello, guys!" - Mrs. Jia and Mr. Jaemin came backstage.

"Good job! We are so proud! This was your first impression to us and we're really excited to see more of you!" - Mr. Jaemin said.
"There are three more competitors to pass before the winners are announced. And we will win as a team, not as dance partners okay?" - Mrs. Jia said and we all nodded.

"And even if we don't win, we still know that we came here to have fun and hang out. After this, there will be a cocktail party. So we expect all of you there." - Mr. Jaemin added and they left.
We all chatted for a little, saying how we were proud of each other and how we enjoyed the performances.

"Jungkook" - I sat next to him.
"What happened last night? Why did my head hurt so much?" - I said and I really wanted to know.

"You can't remember?" - he asked and I shook my head.
"Well, you were at your aunt's, and I was on my way to you when I saw you at the traffic lights. You saw me but stepped on the gas and drove somewhere. I had to follow you cause you didn't look good. You stopped at a lake and started crying and yelling, saying how you killed your mother." - he said and looked me in the eyes.

"Yeah, I remember that now." - I looked down.
"Then what happened?" - I asked and tried to remember.
"I yelled at you, then I pushed you, and then.." - I said and I remembered what happened next.
"I" - he said and I stopped him.
"You kissed me?" - I said and put my hand on his.
"I'm sorry." - he said and looked down.

I really can't see him sad. It makes me wanna cry.
"It's fine." - I said and he cheered up right away.
"Really?" - he said excitedly and I nodded.
"Thank you." - he said and held my hand.

"Wait. What happened when we got home?"

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