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I am rewriting this very bad written lemon this was old and this is gonna be long..


America's Pov

I was plugging in my playstation grabbing two controllers why do you ask I grabbed two?

Well my friend/crush [Y/n] is coming over which I was super excited for I was grabbing ships and soda since we where doing a 'streak' where have to keep playing video games for different games. And who ever won the most has to listen to the person for the whole two days.

I mean this was rare opportunity to be with her since she is popular and pretty cool, I quickly cleaned up my room and took a warm shower since I smelled a bit.

I quickly put on a black shirt and some jeans I counted how much food we have...

"1 2..uhh...7...Not enough!" I grumbled.

I dashed out my room almost tripped on my own foot going down the stairs I ran into the kitchen until someone grabbed my shoulder.

"Hey relax America" Said Russia.

"Nope! I can't I don't have time right now!" I said quickly.

"America what's wrong?" Germany asked.

I took a deep breath turned around and explained to them that a girl named [Y/n] was coming over to hang out with me and we'd be playing video games for the whole day until someone won every single game.

I was breathing heavily.

"Well looks like someone has a crush~" Germany teased.

I blushed, "No! I don't! And shut up!".

"Awww wittle America is denying it now~" Russia joined.

"Shut up! You dudes aren't helping me right now and she can arrive any sec-" I replied looking away. 


We turned our heads to the broken window from the kitchen, we turned on the lights seeing Japan and Ukraine dusting themselves.

"THE WINDOW!" Germany cried.

Japan looked up and waved, "Hi guys!".

"Uhhh why didn't you gals use the front door?" Russia said looking at his sister.

"It's to normal and human for us!" Ukraine reponded.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Oh because we heard someone had a crush and we came here to help!" Japan exclaimed.

"Uh huh! Now who has-" Ukraine demanded jumping.

We heard the doorbell...


Your Pov

I was walking up the steps and pressed the doorbell then I heard someone screeching inside the house, which confused me.

I heard shuffling inside the house which started to concern me instead and more yelling then it got very quite. 

"Did someone just get murdered? I mumbled.

The door opened seeing Japan, I was surprised she let me in and we where hugging like long lost siblings I mean it's been months since the last time I saw her.

"Hey Japan how are you?" I questioned.

"Good [N/n]! How are you?" Japan asked.

"Great honestly!" I replied.

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