Tea Party|Britain

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Reader Pov's

I woke up from a text message it was 8 in the morning, like who the freak has the balls to message me in the morning. I'm not really a morning person but I decided to read the message.




Hey [Y/n] you free today?

Yep why?

I was wondering if you wanted to join me and France for tea?

Yea sure I'll go what time?


Okay bye!



I flip over were I was looking up the ceiling I sighed.

He had the balls to do it I mean he does but never mind....

Britain was such a nice charismatic and flirty the way he smiles charms me a lot and what I mean by 'a lot' is where chances are he can get away with it with out me realizing until like 5 seconds later. I didn't want to get up but it was Britain so I decided too.

I rolled out of bed thinking there was more of it not until I gave the floor a good morning smooch.

"GOD FUCKIN HELL!" I yelled.

My nose hurt and I felt like Voldemort since I couldn't feel my nose I ran to the bathroom and saw I was bleeding a bit. Then I heard a bang from my bedroom door I poked my head out and saw America in his trunks I mean I was used to it by now and Russia behind him.


I just looked at him with a 'Bish you broke mah door' face.

"OoOOooOOOh~ [Y/N] having a nose bleed America~" Russia nudged.

America looked at me then to Russia and America smiled and lifted his eyebrows at me in confusion.

"No you bafoon why I am having a nose bleed since I fell off my bed! And I'm used to seeing him in his trunks anyways..." I said casually.

"WAIT! WAIT HOLD UP! You just said, 'we see each other half naked' WHAT THE FREAK!? AND HOW ON EARTH CAN YOU SAY THAT NORMALLY!?" Russia yelled.

"Because I can? And plus I live with boys!" I said confused.

"Well yea Russia she's the only female..." America said shrugging.

"Why do you wanna see it Russia?~" I teased.

He blushed.


"SHUT THE FREAK UP!" Russia yelled.

"Wait my nose bleeding stopped...YAY!" I yelled.(magik)

"Anyways what time is it?" I asked.

"9:20? Why?" America asked.


I slammed the door on there face washed the blood off of my face got a [f/c] hoodie and jeans since I didn't own any dresses and I have no time to ask. I dash out the room and saw Germany reading the news paper and having toast.

I ran up to Germany as he was about to bite the toast I stole it from his hands and left in my mouth dashing out to the front door.

"GIVE ME MY TOAST BACK!?" Germany yelled.

"BAH I NUFZ UZ!" I yelled muffled.


I ran to Brit's house since I didn't have time to ask since I was going to be late I got myself ready and finished my toast and knocked on the door.

France opened it.

"Oh!Bonjour [Y/n] comment vas-tu?" France asked.

(I'm sorry I don't understand French so I used google translator idk how good it is but I use it though...)

"France you know I don't understand french...Besides you saying Bonjour which mean hello"I said.

"Right sorry darling! You came for the tea party?"She asked kindly.

"Yes Brit invited me so I gladly came since I didn't have anything to do.." I said.

"Come in! Britain is in the back right now I am getting more tea and biscuits!" France said as she walked into the kitchen.

His house was nice it was neat unlike where I live.

"Chéri take the back door here!" France yelled from the kitchen.

I obeyed and went outside.

It was nice there was a garden and of course Britain sipping tea.

He was formal in his suit while me I was wearing a hoodie and jeans.

"Aahh~ My darling! It is lovely seeing you!" Britain said.

I lightly blush walking over to him and sitting next to him.

"H-How are you Brit?" I stuttered.

Wait since when did the freaking flip did I stutter.

"Good how about you my darling?~" He said in a flirty tone.

His voice made my spine shiver we where so close to each other.

"I'm good thank you Brit" I said.

I was blushing at this point so I hid it well I thought I did.

"Awww why are you hiding you blush you look so cute my dear" He said.

My blushing got worse I was red as a tomato I felt a hand go on my chin and lifting it to face him.

"Don't try to hide it you look so cute" He said in a deep voice.

At this point our lips were so close that I just wanted to kiss him right there but I had no guts to do it and whenever he speak my inside go crazy.

What made me shocked was he kissed me.

It was like fireworks that was exploding right now but I didn't kiss back.

He stopped and he looked sad and looked away.

I was confused why was he sad before I spoke I heard France's voice.

"I here with the tea sorry it took long!" She said.

"It's okay" I said as she pours us tea.

I look at Britain he isn't looking at me but staring somewhere else...


Words: 922


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