Love Struck|USSR

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Third POV:

Russia sat there in the living room a smile on his face and his children giggling.

"Papa?" Ukraine asks.

" Hm?" Soviet responds.

"Are you okay?" Russia asks.

"Yes why?" Soviet says facing his children.

Soviet's POV:

"Because your smiling at the t.v when it's playing nothing!" Belarus giggles.

The kids giggle and laugh I chuckle in with them I scoop them up in my arms and give them a big hug. 

"What's in your mind papa?" Ukraine asks.

I place the kids on the ouch while I sit in the single chair. I begin to explain a girl named [Y/n] how she was the most beautiful girl she had [h/l] [h/c] and the most prettiest [e/c] with her sweet sent and her skin I've ever met she was so kind and thoughtful and caring, she was there when you needed her and will protect others.

"*GASP* DAD'S LOVE STRUCK!?" Russia yells.

I looked at them shocked and shook my head no and tell why I am love struck.

"You keep describing her forever dad!" Belarus said.

I heard my phone ring I picked it up it was [Y/n].


"Hey Soviet!" She said.

I loved to hear her speak it's like talking to an angel from heaven.

"Hey [Y/n]".

"I was wondering...".

"What is it?".

"Is it okay if I hang out with you today? At your house?" She asked.

"Y-Yeah sure!".

"Thanks! Your awesome! Bye!"


She is coming over...WAIT I NEED TO CLEAN THE HOUSE!

"Kids! Help me clean the house spotless!"I said.

1 Hour later...

Ding Dong!

She's here I walked happily toward the door holding the doorknob I stop halfway.

'Wait I didn't tell her I have kids! We'll she leave me? What will she think of me? I can't open that door but that means-' I thought.

Ding Dong!

I opened the door seeing [Y/n] in a long-sleeve and jeans with a bandanna around her neck and she smiled. I happily let her in just staring at how good she looked then I heard the kids coming down the stairs.

I started to panic.

"Hello!" They said.

She was in shock she stayed silent, I knew she didn't like the kids I knew it! I knew it! I-

She picked up Russia and gave him a hug Belarus and Ukraine started to pull her shirt and she picked them up hugging them too and commenting on how cute they were.

"Soviet! How dare you not telling you have cute children!" She said cuddling them.

"W-We'll I..I was afraid you didn't like them so I never told  you that I have kids I was worried that you might judge me.." I said sadly.

I felt her close to me and she hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I would never judge you! That would be so rude of me!" [Y/n] said.

My heart was filled with joy I gave her a kiss on the lips and she happily kissed back and the kids clapped and cheered.

"Does that mean she's our mommy?" Russia asked.

I looked at her and the kids.

"Yes I will be your mommy!" She said happily.

"Yay!" They said.


I didn't know what to name ittttttttt............Thanks and bye!

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