Easter|South Korea

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Okay I'm running out of ideas and I asked my cuz for an idea and she said Easter.

Me: What country?

Cuz: Brazil...

Me: How Brazil work?

Cuz/Me: XDDD

Cuz: Brazil shaves harry backs

I was dieing well anyways happy early Easter!


I was getting ready for Easter the best time of the year, we get to eat sweets and play games! I was so happy and excited for this.

I chose my favorite outfit and checked the time 3:49. I had time before 4 until South picks me up. I walked downstairs getting breakfast until my phone rang, I picked it up.

It was South Korea my heart fluttered when I hear his voice.

"Hey [Y/n] I decided to come a bit early I'll be there soon".

"Oh okay then but why didn't you just text me?".


I heard my click...wow he hung up without an answer I mean for the past couple of days he would avoid me and then some days he is so happy basically he was being odd. I'm so confused about him I texted my friends and even his brother and got no answer about his behavior. I even went to youtube and searched up his actions and still I got no answer.

Knock! Knock!

I put away my dishes and ran to the door opening to see North at the front door instead, which confused me.

"Hey North...What happened to South?" I asked being a confused potato.

"I killed him..." He said straight forward.

I stood there shock and scared unable to move my eyes.

He just laughed at me.

"Of course I didn't kill my brother stupid! I'm riding with him his in the car" He said pointing to his car, "And Japan is there she's annoying...".

I laughed and locked my door walking with North and asked him why his brother is acting weird for the couple of days.

"Same to you too..." He said.

What was he talking about.

"What do you mean North? By same to you too?" I said standing in front of the car.

"*Sigh* What I mean is by when ever someone mentions South you get flustered some times and whenever his there sometimes you get shy all of a sudden" He said.

I never really thought of that I mean I just kinda notice South being weird but not me, I mean I have a crush on him yeah but I didn't I was that obvious. I opened the door seeing South at the other end and Japan being in front of me I smiled and said hello. South just looked away from me covering has face bit I didn't if was just me but I saw a bit of pink on his face.

"[Y/n]! How are you and by the way your wearing this!" Japan said grabbing something out of her back pack.

She placed it in my hands it was bunny ears I just gasped on how adorable it was I called South and he just took a quick look at me and quickly turned away, my heart was gonna shatter.

"Well anyways [Y/n] there is gonna be so many eggs to find and food you can eat! So much sweets!" Japan said getting hype.

"Oh mah gosh! Sweets!" I said forgetting about South behavior.

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