More than friends|Japan

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Japan's Pov

I was getting ready for [Y/n] for our friendship anniversary, we always did everything together which was cool and all...but deep down in my heart I wanted to be more then friends. But I didn't want to break her heart since I know she doesn't think of me like that.

But I hate my friend, America.

She's always so happy around him all happy and giggly, whispering secrets that she won't tell me about even though I know her more then anyone else in the whole country. They always went out more often then we did he even bought flowers for her which was red even though she likes [f/c] colored flowers.

I was always jealous of him and whenever he was around I would send dirty glares.

But that didn't matter right now I was gonna meet [y/n] at the Carnival and see fireworks which she doesn't know about.

 I grabbed my car keys and phone running outside quickly locking my door running toward my car.

                  .                                         .                                           .

I had arrived [Y/n] was sitting on the bench looking on her phone through social media I took this chance to scare her.

Your Pov

I scrolled down through my phone thinking where this dumb dumb was...


I screeched like a pterodactyl or some unknown creature jumping out from where I sat I was shaking people looking at me like I'm crazy. A man's voice chuckled behind me I turned seeing it was Japan I glared daggers at him punching him lightly.

"That wasn't funny!" I whined.

He just laughed at me pointing out how terrified I was like I saw a dead ghost I scoffed and only grumbled. He put his arms around me shoulder I blushed even though we where friends I wanted to be more then that in...a relationship, but I didn't want to break what we already have.

Since I know he likes Germany I was kinda of jealous of her.

"Hey I'm sorry [n/n]~ How about we get some ice cream first?" He said pinching my cheeks.

I flicked his hand away and agreed jumping like a hypered pup, we got into the line before it got longer like it usually does.

He ordered his ice cream while I ordered my [f/c] flavor we shared it instead so we can take turns holding the cup. But then I'd end up finishing everything even his ice cream.

"What do you wanna do first?" He asked.

I thought about it...Easy rides first since I never really liked the fast ones that much.

"How about the roller coasters but not the intense ones?" I said more of a question then an answer.

"Awwww wittle [Y/n] scared of intense roller coaster?~" Japan teased.

I blushed of embarrassment poking my fingers together poking my lips out looking down at my feet, I just got embarrassed by my own crush.

But I wasn't gonna me taken as a scaredy cat!

"F-Fine! I'' ride the fast ones then!" I smiled.

He smirked, "Yeah like shortie can do it! But if you get scared you can always hug me~".

I blushed hitting him again blushing.

                                    .                           .                          .

I was shaking after riding seven different rides my legs shook unable to stand and one more step I'd face plant. I felt someone scoop me up Japan smirked,"Didn't know you'd last that long".

"I can do it see!" I said sticking my tongue out. 

"It's almost time to go home too" Japan said placing me down on the bench.

I stood up and was ready to go home until Japan grabbed my wrist, "Wait I have something to show you!".

I was confused but I said I can barely walk he said he would let me o a piggy back ride and drive me straight home after.

Japan' Pov.

I told her to close her eyes and ran to the spot before anyone can take it but it would take about 15 minutes. I can feel her breathing o my neck making me blush but luckily can't see it at all.

But what was more important that I need to tell her my true feelings so I wouldn't be left heart broken silently and I can get it off my chest. We had arrived and had 5 minutes left before it started it she got off my back, "This is what I wanted to show~".

She opened her eyes and it was shining when she saw the beautiful fireworks I grabbed her hands looking into her eyes.

I took a deep breath.

"[Y/n] I've been wanting to tell you something that had been bothering me so much..." I said shakily.

"What is it?" She said coking her head to the side.

She was so cute right now  wanted to kiss those lushes lips.

"I've been starting to grow feelings for you and I want our friendship to be more the this...I want to be in a relationship together you and I!" I said squeezing her soft hands.

I looked away from her, "But I mean if you don't want too...".

Tears where starting to form in my eyes she squeezed my hands.

"What do you mean?" She said sweetly.

"What I mean is your always with America and your so happy with him he gave you things and always whispered secrets to each other..." I mumbled being embarrassed.

"Oh Japan! I don't like America like that!" She giggled.

I looked up with tears in my eyes she looked so shock when she saw me cry she gasped, she sighed and giggled again.

"I was holding those flowers and the stuff he was 'giving' me was for Russia!" She siad cupping my face.

"W-What?" I said being confused.

"He likes Russia! I was helping him and giving him suggestion what he should do and I know for sure Russia likes him back but won't admit it!" She giggled.

"So does that mean?...." I said grabbing her hands.

"Of course Japan I love you! I could never tell you since I thought you liked Germany sine you two did everything together too!" She said blushing.

Third Person

He chuckled  kissing her she felt his tongue licking her bottom lip for entrance and she opened her mouth allowing his tongue to explore. Soon both where fighting for dominance Japan slithered his hands down to her butt squeezing it making her gasp, Japan won.

"Cheater!" She said.

"All I can say is...Nice ass~" He said whispering into her ears.


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