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I was  back from the gym and went upstairs to shower, I saw America sleeping in bed. I smiled and went to grab towels and pajamas so I can change in there just go straight to bed after. As I took my clothes off I heard him shuffle I smiled, but something seemed weird. He looked a little smaller, he was completely covered it could just be my mind playing with me. I walked into the bathroom to shower.

    After my ten minute shower I went to dry myself off and blow dry my hair putting my clothes on and brushing my teeth. As I put my clothes in the laundry and walked into bed I pulled the covers so i can cuddle with him I saw a girl in bed. I screamed I pulled the covers away from her, she immediately got up since I had startled her.


Thoughts had started running in my head, 'Who's this girl? Why is she in bed? Is America cheating on me? Why does she look like America? I will screw this bitch up!'.

She got from the bed and walked over to me and she hugged me, the hell?

I was shocked and confused, I pushed her with all of my energy making her fall back and land on her butt I began shouting at her, "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE!?".

"Baby stop yelling at me! What did I do!?" She replied.

She looked shocked and touched her throat, "What. in.the...".

She got up and ran to the bathroom and screeched she came out looking so surprised.

'This girl on drugs?' I thought.

"(Y/n)! I have boobs! Look at how big they are!" She pointed out as she touched them.

I looked at her disgusted and confused, "Ummm...Why are you doing that?".

She stopped, "Yeah I should stop it hurts..".

"Ame...Honey is that you?" I said shocked.

He...She nodded I was shocked my boyfriend turned into a girl so she'd be my girlfriend I looked her and grabbed her wrist and made her sit down with me in bed, "Babe..How did you turn into this?".

"Well I don't know all I remember was after you left to go to the gym I went out to hang out with my friends and I drank something and Russia dared me to drink this thing and I did I got $50 it tasted weird, then when I was driving on my way home I felted weird like a tingly feeling...Then yeah that's it" She said.

I nodded I was trying to think way to to turn her back then all of a sudden out of the blue she asked, "Baby can I get a kiss?".

I looked her, this is odd for me since it wasn't really America but it was him or her just the opposite gender as me. She looked at me with puppy eyes and I felt bad as I was about to lean in the  she pulled me in. It was sweet her lips tasted of cherry as she pulled away to take a breath I whined.

She smirked at me and pulled me in for another kiss no gap between us I can feel her soft lips locking onto mine. I can feel her hands roaming around my crotch I moaned I can feel her smirk in satisfaction, her hands travel to chest massaging them I feel my buds turning hard.

I let out a moan as I feel America's hot breath down to my neck, then she stopped.

"Why'd you stop?" I whined.

She laugh at me and pulled me into bed spooning me, "because I love you~", she cooed.

Okay I don't if that was smut or fluff just I'm practicing to get better...;-; I'm trying to write as much before school starts! Yeeeeee

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