Silly String|North Korea

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requested: NixyChan2

I woke to the sound of the toilet flushing.

Yes, a toilet flushing don't ask okay it sounded really loud, I sit up and begin to stretch hearing my bones pop. I went to the bathroom seeing North Korea in the shower I went to the sink to wash my face and brush my teeth.

"Good morning [Y/n]~" North said.

"Good morning Northiee~" I say smiling.

"I told you to stop calling me that!" He responded sternly.

"Make me" I replied.

I walked of the bathroom and closed the door behind me and changed into my usual outfit and brushed my [h/l] into a ponytail/bun. I went to go eat cereal downstairs I grabbed [f/c], milk, bowl and a spoon I hear North's footsteps quickly coming downstairs.

"I have to go to a meeting today, I'm sorry we can't hang right now but I promise well hangout when I'm done okay I'll be home by 2.." He said.

"Promise?" I whined.

He nods and before he left I grabbed his tie and pulled him in for a kiss.

"Wow can't believe my own boyfriend forgot about kisses when leaving" I smirked.

He scoffed and smiled giving me a peck on the cheek and I continued to eat my breakfast once he left I went to my phone to text my friends.

~mY WeIRoS~

You: Sup Guys!

ThatAnimegirl has joined that chat>

SouthyBoi has joined the chat>

Americanboi has joined the chat>

ThatAnimegirl: Hey what's up [y/n]?

You:Nothing just bored :/

SouthyBoi: My big bro North is out for work again?

You: Yeps sireeee

Americanboi: Wanna hang out then?

You: No duh I didn't text this group for no reason

Americanboi: ...;-;

Americanboi: Meanie

You: Well anyways I was thinking we have a silly string fite!

ThatAnimegirl: ooooh~ let's do that!!

SouthyBoi: We should do that to my brother! Teach him a lesson!

You: You are evil...

SouthyBoi: :(

You: And i love that idea!

SouthyBoi: Yay!

Americanboi: I'll buy on the silly string just meet up at [y/n]'s house!

ThatAnimegirl: Yay! I'm on my way there already see you dorks!

ThatAnimegirl has left the chat<


I turned off my phone, hearing a knock on my door seeing Japan having nerf guns and the where big. I smirked at her and she smiled innocently I let her in and then I heard honking and the boys racing to my front door. 



I saw South Korea just kicked him in the air and running to the door and doing a vicotry dance and laughing at his face.

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