|I'm crying so hard|

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Bruh I'm crying so hard today was our graduation and two of my friends cried okay this is what happened.

Friend #1: *Leaves class sees me walks to the bathroom*

Me: *Drops stuff runs to her and goes in the bathroom*

Friend#1: *leaves the bathroom and sees me*

Me: "Hey are you okay?"

Friend #1: *Cries*

And basically some people cried bc they weren't gonna see there friends anymore*

Friend #2: *leaves class and sits to friends 1*

Me: (I had a towel with me idk why) "What happened are you okay Friend#1?"

Friend #1: "I'm never gonna see you again..." *More tears start falling down even more*

Me: *Starts crying hugging the towel and trying to distract myself* "Omg I was trying not to cry this year and failed that goal" *Laughs*

Me: *Sits next to friend #2* "Hey come cry with us! I'm gonna miss you too and I love you!".

Friend #2: *Tears up a little and smiles*

Me: *Laughs*

And after I didn't want to think about it since they closest friend I could get I am crying rn so hard that I'm having a hard to seeing the keyboard and I loved them so much. I am planning to meet up with one of them this summer before our final goodbye I'm going to try to contact the everyday and never forget them and text them and end the conversation with "Mahal Kita" meaning "I love you".

And I hope we cross paths again and there are four friends leaving me but those two we always talked the my friend #4 I call her dad since I'm her "son" as a family joke and my #3 friend she's Filipino and we don't talk but she's still my friend we hang out too she doesn't talk much like before but I'm going to miss them a lot god bejeezuz I can't breath and I really love them there like my other family and we support each other no matter what the cause was since we will be always together.

But what I'm saying is I'll miss them a lot and if your in this situation with me make plans before to meet each other again and reflect on what you guys did before and how you met.


6/13/19 time 4:04Pm

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