Sleeping with them

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-you guys have a queen bed

-you kick this hoe off like trash

-you are the bed hog

-doesn't give a damn anymore

-sleeps on the floor


-this hoe

-this bish

-you sleep on the floor

-hogs the damn floor?????

-you sleep on the couch

-bish hogs it too


-his the bed

-your his blanket

-cute ass mf couple


-you r bed

-boobs pillow

-is a koala 

-kisses and cuddles


-you don't have 1 or 2 or 3 blankets

-but 7

-7 ass fluffy blankets

-you have 4

-he gets 3


-he da big spoon

-he wants you in his arms knowing u r safe


-make sure u are warm


-you fall asleep 

-u r the spoon

-takes pictures of u

-kisses ur nose when u asleep

North Korea:

-you would hug the pillow

-man is jelly of a pillow

-you cling on to him

-you would sleep on top of him sometimes 

-he would have a hard time breathing 

-ur boobs suffocate him

welp crud tomorrow is school and i hate it but need me edgimication for smort and college, well good night everyone!^^

10/20/19 9:00pm unedited

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