A little date|Alaska

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Thanks for 2.2k reads! I really appreciate this guys! Hope you have a great day!^^

                                                            |Alaska x Reader|

Your Pov

I was getting ready for me and Alaska's first date we only dated for 2 months and I've stayed 2 day in--with Alaska since we always called and texted each other but never met face to face until that one time...


 I was laughing so hard that I was wheezing unable to breath or stand up my friend busted my door holding a frying pan in her hand with the egg some how sticking to it.


I calmed myself down explaining myself what had happened, "Sorry Alaska explained what had happen to his friend and it was pretty funny!".

"OoOOooH~ Your talking to you boyfriend~" She teased.

I blush started to form on my face and I started attacking her telling her to 'Shut up!' and telling her he wasn't my boyfriend (yet). She hid me under my blankets and ran to my laptop logging into my account quickly and stole my phone trying to turn my phone on.

Finally being able to breath and started yelling at her throwing my blankets and pillow at her and started running away with the pan and the egg inside. I sighed looking for my phone realizing she still had it with her and I decided to go my laptop instead, I looked at it.

"Hey you have a pretty face [Y/n]" Said a voice.


Staring at my screen like an idiot just realizing the camera was on and he must've saw the whole entire thing. I smack hard on the desk.

"ARE YOU OKAY?!" He screamed.

'Why dafaq did I think that was a good idea?' I told myself.

I gripped my nose and responded "Yep I'm okay" and called my friend to help me clean my nose which she did and laughed at me.


I heard a knock at my door, "Come in!".

Alaska came in with trunks on nothin but trunks my face became very warm and looked away continue to pick my clothes out the drawers. I heard his coming closer and placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me my face became very very hot.

"Hey you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine..but..." I hesitated.

"But what?" He asked.


He laughed as if I told a funny joke I gave him a confused look, "I'm used to the weather dear! I'm Alaska!".

I looked away and told him to get out since I was gonna change and told him to get ready too. I picked out a long [f/c] sleeves, black pants, fluffy boots and a jacket that had faux fur I grabbed my phone walking outside of my room. I see Alaska wearing the same jacket but black, a blue and white sweater underneath, black pants, shoes and beanie smiling at me.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

I nodded with a smile he grabbed my hands and began walking out we went out to a restaurant got to somehow cuddle with penguins and see polar bears and other animals. It was the best day ever!

"This was the best date ever!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled I yawned the activities started to tire me out I leaned my head onto his shoulder's since he was a pretty tall dude. He stopped and afford me a piggy back ride and accepted it getting onto his back feeling his hands on my thighs and hugging his neck. My breath was slow he shuddered I guess he was cold(?), "Hey Alaska?".

"What?" He responded.

"Thanks for this date, I really enjoyed it" I replied.

He smiled then chuckled I hugged him tighter and smiled also, but before going to sleep I gave him a kiss on the cheek before my lights went out. I saw a smile on his face and a blush too.


Welp that was my short story which I think is cute I hope you had an awesome timez and good night and be safe....^///^

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