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Germany's Pov

I was driving toward's China's house he called me and had asked if I could take care of Japan while he was at a meeting and I agreed, I texted Belarus and Poland if they could help me take care of Japan.

I parked my car and walked to China's house knocking on the door, it quickly opens seeing a nervous China.

"Thank you Germany I shall repay you! Japan hurry I will be late!" china said quickly.

I see little Japan running to the door putting her backpack on saying goodbye to China we raced to my car since she was already ahead she won.

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The drive backpack me and Japan sang songs and told riddles and funny jokes to each other until she asked a question.

"How are you and [Y/n]?" She asked.

"Where good why?" I asked.

"Well I mostly see you hanging out with your friends and I don't get to see [Y/n] often..." She said in a sad tone.

She hung her head low the last time we hung out is when she didn't have a job yet I remeber that time we went to the fair and she was afraid of the ferries wheel and clung on to me never letting go.

I chuckled.

We arrived to my house I opened the door Japan ran to the couch placing her coloring books onto the table, I told I'd be in the kitchen.

But first before I went into the kitchen I'd go check on [Y/n] first, she doesn't let anyone in every since she worked for 5 weeks and I don't think anyone has seen her. 

I knocked once.

No answer.

I knocked again louder.

No answer still, it's almost as if no one was in there...

I opened the door tired of knocking I saw papers everywhere and what concerned me is that [Y/n] was still up from this morning, she locked her door this morning but I heard noises.

I leaned by the door way I furrowed my eyebrows a frown on my face.

Your Pov

I need to sign this. Ignore this. Nope. Hmmm....

Nope. Okay...

I took a sip of my coffee and looked up seeing Germany leaning on the door frame with a worried expression. 

"[Y/n]..." Germany said walking closer.

I just looked at him he stood in front of me fixing my glasses and fixing my tie I said 'Thank you' by stil wore that frown on his face.

"Look Germany I'm busy and I have lots of work to do I need to keep the countries safe and in working order" Is aid turning around signing more paperwork.

I begin my second batch of paperwork but Germany standing there and watching me made me uncomfortable I stopped and not even looking up at him just looking down.

"[Y/n] please stop you overworking yourself and you even have eye bags! When was the last time you had sleep!" He said almost yelling.

"Please don't rise your voice and maybe...What day is it?" I asked.

"Thursday the 25th of April..."Germany responded.

"Last week?" I said more of a question then an answer.

"[Y/n] yu could kill yourself you need sleep now!" He said.

He picked me up I had no strength to fight back and he plopped me into my bed the comfort of my bed made my eye shut almost immediately, I felt something fall asleep next to me. I hugged whatever it was and then...

                    .                                .                               .

I woke up seeing paperwork gone nothing left but organized and alphabetical ordered papers I turned around seeing Germany had fallen asleep I smiled giving him a kiss on the head grabbed my glasses and walked downstairs.

I see Japan watching cartoons and seeing Belarus and Poland watching too and singing songs I felt a hand over my shoulder it was Germany yawning and had woken from his nap too.

"How's your sleep?" He asked.

"Good! Thank you for that.." I mumbled.

He chuckled I smiled giving him a kiss on the lips which he licked my bottom lip for entrance he squeezed my but which I gasped in surprise, kissing me passionately.

Not until...

"Ahem!" Poland said.

We stopped and turned around seeing Belarus and Japan fangirling while Poland was just weirded out.


"Poland if you had a relationship you would understand" Germany said smirking.

Poland just looked at him defeated with a tear in his face.

I snickered.

"It's okay Poland you have someone that will love you!" I said walking over to him putting my hand on hsi shoulder.

"Like who/" He asked.

Before I could even say a word Reichtangle busted down my door breaking it.

"Mein polen~" Reich said.

Poland screeching jumping out of our window and running off while Reich was chasing him...Oh no the papers I forgot to sign....


I rewrote since I didn't liek the old one

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