You wearing booty shorts

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I'm just doing these just as fillers and/or fun when I run out of ideas to write and so yea I guess this book is a scenario/preference book now? I have no clue anymore so if maybe you want a topic I guess you can ask? Because I have nothing better to do and I am happy when book hits 20k I'm going to shoot Keef and kidnap Pidge and lock Shiro in a cell and give the space mice whatever they want. New characters!!!!! :D


-Looks at you and at your butt

-You bend down since you dropped your phone

-S M A C C

-Flustered as H E C C

-"Did you sit in a pile of sugar?"

-"Cuz You have one sweet azz". (not in my christian discord server :) )

-You blushing furiously and him flirting a lot (Making a couple of butt jokes)


-You had no more pants or regular shorts

-You asked Bela if she had any shorts

-She gave you her booty shorts that she never wore

-Surprisingly the same size what the hecc

-Russia walked in the room and saw dem b o o t y s h o r t s

-Oh boy. Oh noes.

-Poor boi couldn't handle all of dat

-Redder then his papa 

-Every time you approach this boy looks at your butt and looks away or walks away


-Poor boi 

-struggles couldn't handle 

-not speak for 3 days

-explained why he never spoke to you but stuttered

-"Oh! I'm so sorry Canada! I didn't know that my shorts did that to you! I'll stop wearing them".

-Only wear them when it is hot


-You wear her clothes and she wears yours too

-You had no shorts since you where to lazy to do laundry

-Took her shorts and they where perfect fit

-You showed her 

-She gave you a S M A C C C C 

-You never spoke to her for 4 weeks

-Sad girl 

- :(

-She loved that you wear her clothes especially the s h o r t s


-this boi

-just this boi

-He was flustered and made you wear something more appropriate stuff

-He was jelly since you got stares

-Lets you only wear in the house

-((But u never listen cuz u is u honey))

-But u still respect him


-You showed him the booty shorts

-Oh noes. D:

-this poor boi couldn't handle

-worse then Russia and Canada combined

-Would have a nose bleed

- other things ((idk xD))

-Super red,

-super super super red

-Did I mention super super super super R E D D D


-Boi doesn't mind

-makes you sit on his lap


-kisses too! <3

-Makes you wear his sweater which are to big for you

-You look super cute in it

-Takes pictures 

-so happy you where his

United Kingdom:

- This man loss of words


-hands around your waist

-much lub and affection!

South Korea:

-boii loves them

-takes much picture

-brags about you

-fashion show

North Korea:

-Not in my household

Boom shakala! finished also I got my schedule and I'm still angry I have to wake up before 730 and walk up earlier and I have 1 week left of school so yaay. Hope you have a fantastic time in your life and thanks for reading my trashy stories horribly written and I am hoping I won't have classes by myself since I don't want to make friends.. ;-;

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