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I saw my Asian squad and I ran up to them and head smacked North Korea on the head followed by a laughter by his brother, which gave him a smack on the head too. I giggled and jumped on Philip's back like a kid on sugar.

"Sup stupid" Said America arriving with his brothers.

"Yeah, you're rubbing off of me" I replied on Philip's shoulder arms crossed.

Some of the snickered. I smirked and raised my brow waiting for America to come up with something better. I could see him thinking hard for once in his life he was taking a little long I looked at my nails and yawned dramatically.

"Whatever moron" He said finally.

"I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and crap out a smarter comeback than what you just said" I say boredly.

His two brother Australia and New Zealand laughed at him and gave him a smack on the back, his brother Canada felt bad for his brother since he looks up to him.

"(Y/n) please don't be rude" Canada pleads.

"Why shouldn't I be? I mean he started it, once you pick up a fight you must end it" I say twirling my hair and not paying attention to him.

But this boy sweetness, oh my lanta, he melts my heart so much. His so cute, adorable, sweet, witty, caring, brave, and bold. I just do insults since because it's fun and to defend yourself. I only rolled my eyes in response, "Alright fine", making the 'n' long.

"Where do you extras wanna go?" I asked laying my chin on Philip's head.

"I'm hungry" America complained.

I was about to say something but I saw Canada's eyes look into mine's pleading me not to insult him again. I could feel my face heat up and I cross my arms and look away with a pouting face. 
"You and your cute ass face" I mumbled crossing my arms.

"Did you say something (y/n)?" Asked Aussie smirking.

I could feel my face flush with pink, "No I didn't say anything".

"Wow someone is already pissy" New Z said with that shit eating smile.

Those two brothers know my secret about Canada, they knew I liked him and I was such a wuss about it. SO much for being tough but can't confess my liking towards him. 


We have arrived at McDonald's since it was the only closest place to eat at. I hop down from Philip's shoulder and we order what we wanted, I ordered one McChicken and 2 large fries and a oreo Mcflurry. As we got our orders I sat next to Aussie and South Korea I put a fry in my mouth and I felt two hands cup my cheeks seeing Aussie smiling at me like an idiot.

"Pocky challenge but with a fry?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

I smirked, "Sure boomer, it's on".

He took the other end of the fry and Japan did a count down, "3...2...1 GO!".

We begin eating the fry we locked eyes smiling, I could feel my face slightly heat up since we where getting closer. As we where getting closer I felt eyes burning at the back of my head as I was getting closer to Aussie face he broke the fry or more like ripped it. I raised both my arms up in triumph he clapped and looked next to me I turned around seeing Canada staring. He quickly got up and excused himself everyone just went back to chatting and/or eating. I popped my fry in my mouth before going outside and following him outside I could sense he was sad.

"Stupid. Aussie I hate you... You knew I liked her" He said mumbling.

I could feel my heart flutter when he said that as he turned around he saw me shocked, "O-Oh (y-y-y/n)!...I-I di-didn't se-see you there!".

"Well of course dummy your back was facing me" I say looking at my feet feeling my face heat up.

"I'm sorry that I overreacted..." He said.

I was only confused why he was apologizing, "Why are you apologizing Canada?".

"I really like you (y/n) every since I saw you, you made my heart flutter you where so brave and witty yet so kind and gentle. I admire from the beginning!" He said sighing.

"Look Canada I don't like you" I say walking up to him both my hands cupping his warm cheeks.

I could see flinch as I say that but I smile and he was confused, " I love you... I loved you from the  start too".

I kissed his soft lips. I could feel his hands slither down to my waist pulling me close leaving no gap then i heard whistling and clapping.

"YEAH! GET SOME CANADA!" America yelled.

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