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Im rewriting since I wrote the wrong plot thingy idk save me . This is going to be an AU high school...Oopsie!


Your POV

"Okay [Y/n] this is your first day in a new school in a new life" I said to myself looking in the mirror.

I wore a shirt sleeve light blue with a stripe going threw the chest, jeans and black jacket with converse. I walk downstairs seeing my mom make breakfast my [f/b] I sat down next to my little brother eating goldfish.

"Good morning big sister!" Said Jake.

"Good morning little bro" I replied petting his head.

"Well honey are you ready for your first day of High school?" Mom said not making eye contact.

"Well...I don't know mom..." I say swishing my tail.

"Well your school provided with your necessary items for you!" Mom said cheerfully.

"Wait wha-" I questioned but she shoved food in my mouth.

"Honey your gonna be late so you better hurry up you have 15 minutes to get to your school and surprisingly it's 15 minutes to walk there too!" Mom smiled.

I was confused I looked at Andy-

"Wait I'm not part of it! Take two!" She yelled.

(Take two)

I got up and grabbed my backpack that was next to the couch and said goodbye walking to my school I grabbed my phone and headphone out of the backpack and listen to my favorite play list. I breath the fresh are the autumn leaves falling off the trees I smiled.

As I stand in front of the gate of the school that looks like a mansion instead of a school the school was called [School Name].

'Huh makes sense it sounds like a school for rich people' I thought.

As I entered the school front yard seeing other students some humans but mostly country people...No countryhumans! This was my first time seeing them, but my dumb self just realized I didn't know anyone here and everybody knows each other.

"Oh god let me find the office without bumping into anyone" I mumbled walking slowly.

My ears had gone down my tail no longer wagging(?) as I tried to walk past other students and suddenly as I try to ask someone my mouth won't move as if it's sealed shut. As I finally  got out of the sea of students someone suddenly trips me and I fall  scrapping my chin I hear a really annoying high pitch laugh which sounds like a piglet.

"Oh I'm sorry there dear is this kitty lost?" Said a b*tchy voice.

I looked up seeing a girl in a skirt tat you could see her undergarment s if she bends over and she looks like a stripper litterly...Okay no she doesn't but she could be one.

I get up putting my phone and headphone away in my backpack and begin walking away from her gang of piglet. I walk through the door and saw in front of me there was an Office I smiled and thinking I was safe I bump into someone.

"Oh shoot I'm so sorry!" I mumbled being flustered.

I looked up seeing a group of boys and the one I bumped into was handsome he had a blue and yellow and he must've been the Ukrainian flag. There was a Russian flag and another flag and another. I panic not knowing what to do and run away to the office breathing heavily.

I heard the bell ring and saw a pretty lady she had perfect brown skin and nice wavy hair. She looked up from her computer and she saw me and smiled sweetly.

"You must be the new student! Go through that door sweetheart and you can see the- Oh my! What happened to your cheek dear?" She asked.

"My cheek?" I questioned I touched and saw blood on my fingers.

She got from her chair and told me to follow her we went inside the nurses office and washed it off putting a big bandage over it and walking to the principal office. As I entered it smelled like fresh cherries and strawberries and the principle was very kind the lady from the front told me she was going to take me to my first class as she handed me my papers.

"My name is Mrs.[Favorite Teacher name] yours?" She said.

"My name is [Y/n]" I said shyly.

Update other part later or tomorrow or tomorrow's tomorrow....

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