If you where in a fight

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-He would just cheer

-makes bets

-slightly worried that you would get injured badly


-He cheers you on the outside

-but in the inside

-he is screaming and is scared for you

-tries to break you apart

-you hit him on accident but you where to busy to notice


-poor bby


-Pulls you out

-doesn't want you injured

-scolds you


-ngl she would probably join you

-she gets turned on


-freaking out scared

-is panicking and cryin

-asks his brother to break you apart

-heals your bruises and cuts

-you cuddle after


-He would protect you

-won't let that girl touch you

-she would scare her

-you kiss him

-turns soft

North Korea:

-hell nah

-not on his watch

sksksksks. I'm gonna go to a halloween dance with my friends and go trick or treating with them.

I was sitting there, barque sauce on my titties

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