You as a Neko

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- will make you wear a maid outfit or attempt to

-you attack him for dat

-you guys cuddle and watch movies

-sneak glances at you

-strokes your ears


-has a bunch of pictures of u


-treats you like a dam queen

-gives you cuddles,kisses,hugs and food

-you can get anything u need

-but he must pet you in order to get something

-constant purring

-him having more pictures of you on another phone

-him bombarding u wif luv


-just cuddles

-you guys watch a movie together

-you would attempt to break something

-whenever it was dark he would only saw your eyes

-scared him to death


-flower crowns

-aesthetics pictures of you and him

-looking cute

-binge watching (f/cartoons) and eating food



-anime anime


-binge watch and eating ramen 

-cute couple kawaii neko 

-you wearin the made outfit

-her havin a nose bleed

-wreak havoc and choas


-cute af couples



-did i mention cuddles and kisses?

-bakin sweets

North Korea:

-thins your the most precious being that u must be protect at all cost and if someone hurts you there gonna go, boom boom (bakugou whatchu doin here?-)

-gets you the food you want

-taking you out on dates which are theme parks

-has to deal with you having a hissy fit and you being cuddle

-him won't admit your cute 

-if someone flirts with you, they go BOOM BOOOOM

-you trying to steal his food

-you have a kitten army in your guys bedroom

1:51 am, 9/29/19.  I should be sleeping and I have homework that I need to work on. lol

I have a riddle for you, riddle:

There was a mom and dad, the mom was boiling fruit loops in the kitchen with johnny and the dad was watching eggs grow up to be politicians. Five of the neighbors kids where smoking mac n cheese in the backyard. There other neighbor, Jessica was pregnant with her 10th kid but she was virgin. How old was the neighbors cat, whiskers?

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