Mahal kita|Martial Law

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Requested by:  custardcream


Martial POV

I was sitting on our couch in the living room being nervous and irritated as hell because of Philip here won't shut up how I like [Y/n] like a lot and keeps pestering and luckily his my dear sweet brother if not I would've killed him right now.

"Kuya Martial has a girlfriend! Kuya Del! Kuya Del!" Philip screamed.

"Philip would you just shut up!" I barked.

He stopped and looked me staring but didn't care and started screaming again I heard footsteps coming down the stairs I sit there flustered millions of things zoom in my head and if I did something wrong what will she think of me.

I felt a heavy hand pat my back I looked up and saw kuya Del and he smirked.

"Wow Ang gamay nga militar dunay usa ka uyab kung unsa ang iyang pangalan?" Kuya said.

"Kuyaaaa has a girlfriend! Ayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~" Philip squealed.

Before I could say a word the door busts down with the three idiots that I hate the most and would kill with my bare hands. I glared at them if daggers could come out of my eyes that would be fantastic.

"What are you idiots doing here?" I growled.

They looked scared Philip ran to them and hugged them they where blushing I know these idiots like him. Philip whispered something to them which I didn't like a about they smiled and nodded they walked closer.

"So Martial there is a girl you like?" America said.

"Who said?" I said.

"Well Philip just said you liked a girl" Japan answered.

"Yeah her name is [Y/n] right?" Spain added.

I viciously looked at Philip he just smiled and giggled and started chanting.

"Kuya  Martial and Ate [Y/n] sitting my a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Philip chanted louder.

I begin hiding my face looking away they looked at each other and where whispering things Philip was happier as if someone gave him millions of Halo-Halo.

"Okay we have a plan! Be yourself and don't act nervous" America said.



Your POV

I was with Nekomi Japan's younger sister we where watching movies together we where watching a dog's purpose which I cried a lot like non-stop so did Nekomi then I get a call. I got up from my bed walked to my phone and picked it up.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello! [Y/n] I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me?".

"Sure Martial! It would be nice to get out of my house at least! Hehehe!".

"Okay meet me at [f/p].

Then he hung up I went over to Nekomi and told her about Martial us meeting together and she began fan girling like crazy since she ships me with Martial we would be the cutest couple on earth beating [Cute ship].

Nekomi pleaded me to let her dress her up so I did.

( time skip holmes!)

It took us 25 minutes to pick and outfit which I would say was pretty cute then I realized I only had 5 minutes and I quickly left the house and run my way there.

(10 minutes later)

I saw Martial sitting on the bench on looking at his phone I called out his name and he walked up to my handing me a bouquet which was lovely.

Through the day we hung out going to [f/p] and [[f/p] which was fun. Going to my [f/r] eating my [f/f] there, I wish to let this day happen again every time I did something like hug Martial or tripped he'd blush, maybe because it was hot.

"Hey [Y/n] I need to show you something.." He said not showing emotion.

He grabbed something from his back pocket and pulled out a bandanna and covered my eyes saying this was special and important. I nodded he went behind me and put the bandanna over my eyes he held my hand and we started walking.

It felt like a long walk like a century just passed.

"Hey Martial are we there yet my legs are tired" I whined.

"Alright..." He said with a sigh.

I felt him let go which scared me but then I felt him pick me up bridal style and walked all the way there.

I kept laughing then I felt myself being but down he told me too close my eyes as he takes the bandanna off of me and told me too open them. It was beautiful the night sky with so many stars like a chandelier I felt him tap my shoulder.

"Care to dance?" He asked.

I smiled and put my hand on his shoulder and the other on his side as we began dancing.

Martial's POv

"Hey [y/n] I-" I say she cuts me off with a kiss.

She stops and smiles, "I love you too Martial...".


Ehhh...I can no longer write...

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