You writing fanfic

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I'm running out of ideas this is the same day writing the previous story jewhgxbcwkjefhbvk. Yes if you have an idea idk you can tell me, much yes, big yes bug much help yes. I have been watching a lot of flamingo videos ;-;. Also you can tell me what country to add and what there personality is??? idk man I'm tired, bored and lonely and nervous for the first day of school..okay it's like 12:03 am, 8/20/19. Okay not the same day.



-You leaving your laptop wide open and being dumb ((u not dumb :)))

-Him being a such of a nosy butthole

-walks into you room and looks at what you where doing

-You walk back into your room from the bathroom

-"Babe...You right this stuff like a pro...How do you know this stuff and is that me?".

-You being unable to speak 

-a blushing mess

-makes fun of u

-mean boifriend


-In bed together

-needing to drink deh gud wata

-leaving your phone on the nightstand

-him being curios and why your on your phone 24/10

-knows your password

-reads the whole intire thing

-this boi blushingggggg

-( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

-You come back with a glass of water so you don't have to get up anymore

-You see looking at the ceiling looking like he is thinking about his life choices

-snuggling with him


-"yes honey?".

-"You wanna do dat?"

-"DO whattt?????".

-"what you wrote...".

-Both a blushing mess


((It says something about cuddling and buying a pet. duh.)


-You left your phone on 

-he was curios little bean

-oh noes.


-ejrhlkejdfnvkehjwnds esjd

-You come back seeing him as a blushing mess

-asked him if he was okay and not sick

-You being suspicious look at your surrounding

-spots your phone

-'ohhhhhhhhhh' you thought.

-give him a kiss and use him as a pillow

-this boi is gone and ded

-flustered 2875984758487523748853498798472972348697645754%


-Asks you what you are doing on your phone

-you jump and fall of the couch

-grabs your phone stands up

-you tried grabbing

-curse yourself for being short or him being tall

-"oh.oh my."

-you finally getting your phone back

-being flustered and ashamed

-hugs you and pins you to the couch

-kisses you and gives you hugs

-"your so dang cute for much short girlfriend, love it when you get flustered"


-Grabs your phone when you where sleeping in bed

-reads all of the fanfics you wrote

-you wake 

-you see she has your phone

-"nooooo!babyyy gimmie it back u meanie wienie".

-"nah boo! Let me read yo stuff!".

-"babyyyy belaaaaaa nooo!".

-ya'll fighting in the covers ;)

North Korea:

-This man finds it

-you looking for your missing, about to put posters up

-"Babe looking for this?".

-"Yes! omg thank you so-hey give it back!".

-"what's this stuff on your phone that you have written?".


-picks you up

-and oh okay...

-Off you go upstais

-oh noess...

There a short and simple freaking north anyways have a good night/morning doods bye! H.A.G.S and good luck in school :)

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