Your favorite outsider character

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You like Darry: He was responsible, hardworking and muscular. ;)


You liked Two-Bit: He was always happy and liked Mickey Mouse which you thought was cute and somehow saw the world as a big joke.


You liked Johnny: He reminded you of a puppy and he cared about his gang and how he was treated at home and you wish you could give him love and affection, and you thought he was cute lookin and a cinnamon roll.


You liked Dallas: He was a bad boy and  a hottie, he wasn't afraid but deep down he cared for his buddy Johnny. And did I mention that he was a hot and a bad boy? ;)


You liked Ponyboy: When ever you see him you instantly think of Ponyboy since his nose is stuck in a book and very passionate about literature and how he cares for every. His still learning about life.


You liked Sodapop: Do I really need to explain? Aight, this man is smokin hot like have you seen him, he looks like he came from heaven and his happy to go guy and loves his brothers. (Search him up)


You liked Steve: He was passionate about cars and he good lookin too.


I'm gonna try and switch up the countries rather than have the same ones up, sometimes I'll keep the same, put in the comments what country you what on here so I could do it for you! ^^

P.s please add there trait/personality.

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