You get Jelly

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You guys where at the mall and you wanted to get boba America said he was going to the booth and wait while you got your boba. You hand him the bag of cloths and walk your way to the boba store and get [f/f].

Five minutes later

You walk out of the boba store drinking your [f/f] boba and getting America some winter melon milk tea, since he liked that. You walk back seeing a girl flirting with him he just stayed there quite but you can tell he was uncomfortable, you stomped you way there.


"Excuse me you ma'am your on my spot so get moving" You snapped.

She looked at you and laughed, "Why should I listen to a basic girl?".

You placed down your drink on the table and smiled at her she gave wink to America not leaving the spot, and that triggered you. You grabbed her by the collar lifting he up in the air, "You better back the hell of from my boyfriend unless you wanna lose something you love the most...".

What you didn't know was America enjoyed your jealousy and recorded it smiling.

She cowered and ran away leaving her purse behind, you looked at it snatched her wallet grabbing the rest of her money and giving him his boba. Then you left to go home.

Oh and that girl had like $364 in her wallet. lol


You guys where at the beach with your friends and family. You and Russia where chilling under the umbrella watching your friends play in the water, "Hey Rus, honey I'll be back I'll go get some beverages, what would you like?".

"Vodka" He said smiling.

You rolled her your playfully before leaving kissing him in the lips and grabbing her wallet and walking your to the bar, you ordered a [f/f] smoothie and got vodka for you boyfriend showing her ID to the bartender. Then you thanked him going back to the spot where you guys where relaxing, you saw a girl flirting with him and he just looked her hoping she'd go away, she was sitting in your spot.

You placed the drink, "Here you go hon~".

"Thanks sweetheart" He said as you handed him his drink.

She looked at you confused and disgusted, she was about to say something but you cut her off by pushing her off you spot and drinking your smoothie liked nothing had happened.

"Excuse me! You jus-". "Your excused at any time dear, you can leave now~ Tah. Tah!" You said cutting her off.

You could hear snickering from you boyfriend, family and friends and you smiled sipping your drink like she wasn't there, she walked away in anger and left.

"Damn never seen you act like that" Russia snickered.


You guys where having a picnic and you went to go use the bathroom, he said he'll continue putting everything, you smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek before walking away to use the loo.

10 minutes later.

You comeback with a chick posing and twirling her finger in her hair as if it was spaghetti, you just groan in disgust you walk over to her and ask her what she was doing here. You can tell Canada was happy you where here with him so he doesn't have to deal with a random girl looking like she came out of a club.

"Honey are you lost?" I asked.

She looked at me like 'What the hell?' and she began flirting with him, "Baby damnn look at your muscles~UwU".

"I can see your b-".

I grabbed her by her armand made her stand up, "Okay listen her you little shet! You better back off from my man or else your gonna be looking like humpty dumpty".

She looked at you terrified and ran screaming like a little girl you heard a chuckle and felt arms around your waist, "Didn't know you where so jealous".

"Honey it's not jealousy first of all, it's called being territorial and I was protecting what is mine second off there is a different baby" You say giving him a kiss.


You where at the pool party since you guys where invited by America there was some faces you recognize and some you nerve saw before. Both of you walked to your hut and placed your things Ukraine was already on his way to go to the pool and you nodded saying you'll be on your way. You take of your sweater and shorts placing them into the bag and walking to the pool, you saw a girl approaching him and flirting with him and touching his chest.

'OH HELL NAWWWW!' You thought and marched your way there.

You glared at her, "Better phack off before I pull sister snatch your wig off!".

You can hear Ukraine snickering trying to hold it in he thought that it was funny seeing you so jealous. You where ready to slaughter this girl and have a fight you where not gonna back down, "Ugh! Whatever call me when you ne-".

"Walk your fake as booty outta here" You sarcastically said, "Freaking stick...".

You where grabbed by the waist and he pulled you in for a hug and kissed you, "That was the funniest thing I'd ever seen holy-jeezz".

"I would killed her saying it was an accident since no one wanted a-""Okay! Geez shortcakes is jelly over me~".You snapped but Ukraine cut you off.

You earned a kiss from him instead a peck it turned into a make-out...

hjBNdiajwkbevjhsbdv cilkjsvhli. Currently watching Flamingo thinking what to write since my brain is dying and I was choking on water since Albert said something funny. lol. And I'm learning the numbers and alphabet of Altean. lol I did the year-second too. ;-;

Puertorico_forever You deserve your hug! *Sending virtual hug*

Well...yea bye!

hope you had a fantastic day!

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