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    I was chilling on the couch watching 'Adventure Time' with Japan since I had to babysit her with Russia. She was on my lap purring since I was petting her head I felt a tug on my [f/c] crop top sweater.

I looked and smiled.

"Where's big brother Russia?" She asked.

"He might be in his room right now...wanna prank him if his asleep?" I said.

She looked scared and unsure then she agreed I paused the t.v and we walked to Russia room upstairs. There were 3 rooms Germany, Russia and America. I stayed with Russia's siblings Belarus and Ukraine.

I opened Russia room and he was knocked out cold with all of his vodka bottles everywhere I opened his door and shoved the bottles somewhere else so we wouldn't trip on it. He was mumbling somethings I couldn't understand in Russian so I went through his drawers grabbed black markers. 

I walked back to Japan passing her a marker and the doodling may...BEGIN. 

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Our master piece was complete we drew him monocles like Britain mustache and a beard and cat whiskers and drew abs (Well [y/n] good looking abs). We covered our mouths holding in our laughter I whipped out my phone took two pictures the beast was starting to wake up.

I grabbed the markers in a panic and yeeted it at Russia desk and picked up Japan and made a run for it to the door quietly closing it, we ran halfway down the stairs.

"Japan turn on the t.v while I make us some lunch okay?" I said giggling.

"Okay oneesan!Please make some sushi!" She said giggling.

She ran down the stairs while I walked toward the kitchen to make snacks. I turned on the lights and screamed.

"DEMON!?" I screeched.

The demon turned around it was America drinking water and looked at me like I'm stupid (Yes you are!). 

"What happened?" America asked, "Why are you screaming demon?".

"And why are you wearing that it's cold!" He said.

I looked at my clothes I was wearing a [f/c] crop top sweater with leggings I shrugged.

"I just wanted to now if you excuse me I'm gonna make some sushi for Japan" I said walked past America grabbing the items.

He sat down on the table and watched me make sushi.

"Hey [Y/n]?" America asked.

"Do you like anyone?" America said recording me without me noticing.

"Nope why?" I said.

"I sense your lying you like someone and it's in this house hold" He said smirking.

"W-What are y-you talking about America?" I began to stutter.

"Your stuttering and your lying if your not gonna tell me I'm gonna expose you to my friends" America said.

"What are you gonna tell them then?" I said turning around crossing my arms leaning on the counter.

"With this~" He said smirking at me.

"Your phone?" I said.

"Nope! I was recording you and once they see this there gonna find out and tease you~" He said victoriously.

I stood there stunned they can find out Belarus and Ukraine can find out faster then anyone and it's pretty scary.

"Just tell me and I won't tell a single soul" He said.

"How can I trust you?" I said continuing Japan's sushi.

It was quite he was probably thinking of something so I decided to make Japan's sushi.

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I was done making Japan's sushi.

I placed it in front of Japan and she squealed in delight I saw America and he sat on the couch smiling. I ignored him I told Japan I was gonna be right back I went upstairs to use the restroom I passed by Germany's room hearing him curse in German.

I opened the door.

"Hey is everything okay in he- OH MY GOSH! Germany are you okay?!" I worried.

"What [Y/n] what are you doing here?" He said sleepily.

"That doesn't matter you need sleep Germany!" I said walking towards him.

I stood there in front of his desk looking worried I crossed my arms I didn't want him to see like this suffering by work.

"What no I'm fine! I just need a couple more papers..." He said.

"No Germany! Look at yourself you don't look healthy and your glasses are falling off and you tie is messy..." I said.

He looked at me.

"For me?..." I said almost crying.

I didn't want to see him like this he had eye bags and him not caring about himself I don't like seeing people suffer like this.

He sighed and gave in when he got up he was about to fall I rushed next to him helping him balance he layed his head on my shoulder I blushed. He sat on his bed and closed his eyes I took off his tie and glasses and put on on his stand and walked back to him.

I smiled he looked cute when he was asleep.

I was about to walk outside until I felt a tug on my sleeve.

"Please can you sleep next to me?" Germany begged.

I blushed at the thought of it and nodded I got into his bed I felt his arms around me I wen to face him. And he smiled sleepily at me and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Good night [Y/n] I love you~" Germany before he was fast asleep.

I blushed and gave him a good night kiss.



I woke up I didn't feel anyone next to me I got up and fixed my hair before walking downstairs I saw Germany playing with Japan while she was being chased by Germany and America.

Japan jumped on me giving a hug.

"You know [Y/n] I found out that you liked Germany since Japan told me when you left and I followed you" He said.

He showed me a picture of me and Germany sleeping together.

I blushed and started hitting him.

I felt someone touch my shoulder before letting Japan go I was engulfed in a hug by Germany and gave me kiss on the lips.

"Don't hit him I mean it's true were a thing now~" Germany smirked.

I blushed.



We all laughed at him he whipped out a knife and began to chase us while Japan was on his back.




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