My kitty|America

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Requested by: saraflutershi

I hope this was good I don't know if it is I guess there's fluff in here and one flirty Ame?                         <(・w・<)

"I wanna now go to a cafe...wanna join?"

Your POV

I was on my way to the cafe going to meet one of Japan's friends and he said there was one more room in the house that I could use, basically just living with them. I haven't meet them at all I don't know if they do drugs in there house! Okay relax well just see what there like as I arrived at the cafe I saw a German flag reading a news paper sipping coffee or tea.

I walk my way over and say good after noon.

"Good afternoon! Germany-san!" I say cheerfully.

"Ahhh! Good morning [y/n] are you ready to go to my house?" He said politely.

We walked toward his car and drove to his house and honestly he was pretty nice for an over worked dude he told me some jokes and what he does for I living and asked me my interest.

(Hours later of driving because I don't how to make conversation (╥w╥) )

"Where here at my house..I just hope there home..." He said mumbling at the end.

"Did you say something Germany-san?" I asked.

"No! And you don't have to call me Germany-san.." He pointed out.

"Okay Germany-san!" I replied happily swishing my tail.

He sighed he took out the house key and opened the door I went inside and saw there where a couple of what smelled like vodka bottles on the coffee table one dude knocked sleeping on the couch and a man in his shorts. I couldn't see what flags they where since he slammed the door immediately which shocked me a lot.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that! Can you give me..uhhh..moment?" He asked nervously.

"Okay?" I say more of a question then an answer.

He quickly went inside I heard yelling, shuffling more like running and things shattering then everything stopped dead quite, then the door opened seeing Germany-san smiling like he just finished killing someone (yeesh).

He told me to come inside everything was neat and tidy two people where sitting on the couch one was the Nethe-Russian flag and the American flag.

"Guys this is our new roommate [Y/n] and she will be staying here" Germany-san said introducing me.

"This is Russia and America" Germany says.

"Hello Russia-san and America-san!" I said cheerfully.

"Hello there" Russia-san said

"Hello there~" America said flirtatiously.

"I'll go upstairs and make a call for you stuff to come you can go upstairs and explore your room it's right next to America's bedroom" He said going upstairs grabbing out his phone.

I took a seat right next to America's I felt him scoot over I looked over and smiled and he smirked.

"Did you sit on a pile of sugar?" He asked.

"Cuz you have one sweet ass~" He said coming closer. (Yo Ame scoot your butt away from her!)

I blushed furiously he chuckled he out his glasses up and looked at me which made me redder then the reddest flag you can think of. (Soviet Onion? <(UωU<) )

"You know your pretty cute for a kitty~" America said coming closer.

'If I keep scooting back I'm so cornered my legs turned into jello' I thought.

"Oh my ебля gosh Блядь this дерьмо I'm out!" Russia-san said. ( I used translator sorry)

He got up and walked away in disgust and randomly pulls out a vodka bottle and starts drinking it. And says more things in Russian that I don't understand.

He got me cornered and whispers in my ear.

" Your my kitty now  sweetheart~" He said lustfully.

At this point I felt myself get hot as he got up and I'am assuming his going into his room and before he goes upstairs.

"And sweetheart you can call me Ame or Murica" He said before disappearing.


(*≧∀≦*) Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

(ヾノ꒪ཫ꒪ )  (nosebleed intensifies)

And sorry if the flirting stuff here is cringy...I don't know how too...Bye!

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