Too late|South korea

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       S.K POV' previously

I sat there arms around my crush laughing with her. She was so cute her laugh, smile, personality. Cute,happy,caring,kind and helpful. She would take time and help others rather than herself she was a dream come true. It was 9:30pm getting late she said goodbye as she walked away I heard a light thud. 

I scooted my way out of the booth seeing her diary I know it's rude to snoop into people's things but I just wanted to see what she writes or likes to write about. I open to a random page and on one of the pages I saw a suicide note.

   To South Korea,

South if you ever find this note and by the time you read this I am all ready gone. I couldn't bear with the pain I have been living. But with all those times I have spent with you and every moment was something special to me. Why I had written this letter specifically for you is because I love you but I wouldn't like to burden you like how I did with my family and friends. I wouldn't like to put you through my pain and suffering just to make you suffer too. This is our finale goodbyes and I am sorry. But please don't forget me and remember that I will all ways love you for who you are.

-Love, (y/n) (l/n)


I was on my way speeding to (y/n)'s house passing red lights and almost getting into an accident with a car. I quickly stopped my car leaving a loud screech I ran to her house busting don her front door and quickly ran upstairs.

'please (y/n) don't go. i love you so much with all my heart' I thought tears streaming down my face.

I tried to twist the door knob from her bedroom door but it was locked I begin banging on her door I stepped back and kicked her door down. I entered her messy room then in the bathroom I heard a click I begin running and busting the door down once more. I saw her eyes slowly closing and the tub turning crimson. I pull her out of the tub hugging her weak and fragile body calling 911.

"(y/n) please don't go! please don't leave me alone!" I begged.

Hot tears falling from my eyes making my vision blurry, "911 what's your emergency?".


'What's the address?" The woman asked.

"(y/a)" I responded quickly

"South?" (y/n) says hoarsly.

I hugged her body tightly shushing her, "Please don't speak you need all of you energy...".

She smiles weakly caressing my cheeks pulling me in for a kiss, her soft plump lips against mine our lips moving in sync. She pulled away before saying,"i love you".

She shuts her eyes and her breathing slowly disappears. I shake her body softly,"(y/n)?(y/n)?".

"Nononoonono! (Y/N) PLEASE DON'T GO!PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" I cried hugging her dead body. I heard footsteps and saw the police they moved me away from her and asked me question. I hand them the note she sent me. 

I felt my heart shatter like glass and my only response to them was,"I was too late".




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