Under the desk|Australia

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         I tap my pencil against my desk waiting for the boring teachers lectures to be over I sigh loudly and lay on my arms not bothering to listen. 'Please let this boring class end' I thought tiredly.

I know this is my last period and I usually like this class but today was just so boring. As I look around the class it seems half of them is snoozing, doodling or talking with their friends I looked at the clock 2:55pm just five more damn minutes I heard a chair being pulled out. 

"Hey bubby" Says Singapore poking my cheeks.

"Hey Babsyy" I say extending the 'y'.


As the bell rung everyone shot out the class as if something was chasing them well besides Singa, America, Japan and I. They grabbed the chairs near by and sat across from me we begin chatting on what where gonna do on the weekends and spilling tea with each other. As we where getting deep into conversation I felt something in between my thighs I look down seeing Aussie smirking. I glare at gesturing him to get out under the desk but instead moved his face closer down to my womanhood kissing around. I could feel my face heat up I hid my face in my hands to cover the blush he begins sucking and licking inner thighs I muffled my moans biting my bottom lips.

I tried to stop him by wrapping  my legs around him but nope he just pulled me closer his face in my womanhood his tongue entering me licking my clitoris. Shiver going down my spin he entered two fingers in me pumping slowly. I let a small mewl out as my friends look at me with concern.

"Hey (y/n) you okay?" Asked America with concern.

I only nodded and I laid my face on my arms I felt add him add another finger pumping faster and faster feeling my stomach tie into a knot. He starts biting and sucking my skin again I accidentally slammed my fist down to the desk making them jump.

"Bubby? Are you sure your okay?" Singapore asked.

"Ye-Yeah babs I-I'm okay!" I say suttering "My st-ahhh-stomach just h-ahhh-urts".

Singapore looked confused yet worried at the same time he wasn't sure to come over here and sit next to me which I hope he doesn't. I could feel myself ready to come I begin letting out small moans and mewls hoping they wouldn't hear it. He removed his fingers before I could release he slowly gets out of the desk and sits next to me kissing my cheeks.

"I'm gonna so murder your ass" I hissed.

"But you enjoyed it don't deny it~" He smirked.



I needed fud. 

I'm just going to edit titles from old stories since I don't like how there written it bugs me.

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