When they asked you out

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Snowfoxlover14  They helped me with the idea and me being dumb idk but thanks for helpig me dood! :)


-Has some doubts and self-confidence at the same time

-Asked you out 



-stuttered and flustered

-You saying yes

-So happy you didn't reject him

-Took you out to McDonald's. duh. 

-went to the carnival


-This man turned into a sweet boi

-Was nervous

-started drinking vodka

-was a little drunk



-"Will you goooooo...out wif me?".

-"Rus. Your drunk and yes I will".

-happiest boi alive


-little bean was so scared and nervous

-had the courage to ask you out

-then walked away since he got scared again.

-finally had the cour-

-wait nope.

-his brother made him ask you out, since he was nervous and he was getting annoyed of him

-You said yes

-this boi was blushin and happy

-you gave him a kiss

-boi ded


-this boi was a cute bean

-"[Y-y-/n], can I ask you something?".

-"Yes philip?".

-"Will you be my girlfriend".

-ready to accept rejection

-You give him a kiss on the lips and said yes

-Kisses you again

-ya'll made sum good halo halo


-this girl wanted to ask you out by watching some anime with her

-you pet her head

-she was ready to tell you

-"[Y/n] will you go out with me?".

-ears where down and tail was swishing

-she tried to speak but you where into the anime


-"Shush now love! something good is about to happen".

-Japan was a happy girl :)


-this girl wasn't scared

-she knows you liked her ever since you met her

-she asked you with so much confidence

-"hey [y/n], wanna go out with me?".

-you flustered as h e c c you nod

-she kisses your nose

-"alright love you!".

South Korea:

-aww this boi blushy for you!

-he couldn't do it

-chicken out

-you asked him

-he said yes and thank god he didn't have to do it

-much snuggles 

North Korea:

-asked you out like it was nothing

-but really this boi was nervous like a nervous wreck

-he practice and practice 

-asked for tips and had help 

-finally 4 weeks of training he ask you out

-looked away blushing

-you saying yes

-hugs you and luckily you didn't reject him

This was short and I'm having brain damage lost brain cells yes. much yes.

Okay anyways hoped you enjoy this short story and this s u c k e d really bad, but i tried so hoped you enjoyed this! Have a good day! :DD


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