Honey 2|Philippines

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      It's been months since me and Philippines met we occasionally text or call each other saying where we would hang out or just good night. 

I was just chilling on the couch with Honey watching [f/m] that's when my phone buzzed I took itout of my pocket and checked my messages and of course, it's Philippines.


Hey [Y/n]! How are you?

                                                                                                                       Good! How are you Philippines?

Great thank you! And hey I was wondering if you wanna met up at the Chat Cafe?

                                                                                         That sounds wonderful! And meet you there I guess! And btw is it okay to bring Honey to the cafe?

Yeah pets are allowed. Well it's settled then! See you there!

                                                                                                                                     See you there too then! Bye


I smiled flopping onto the right side where I would lay on Honey. She climbed on me and barked.

"Honey were meeting the Philippines today! So we have to get ready!" I said happily.

I have a huge crush on Philippines I'm just so happy to meet such a sweet and caring person like him. If I hadn't thrown the stick and went home I would never meet him in a million years!

I ran up to my room Honey following me from behind I put on a stripped blue and white t-shirt a yellow coat, blue jeans and a scarf. I grabbed honey a green bandanna I grabbed my purse and phone walking down the stairs.

Out to my front door.

                                                         .                                             .                                                      .

We had walked for 20 minutes and we entered Chat Cafe and saw other dogs and cats separated in a different room. The women asked me how many people and I told I was with someone.

"Oh! I'm with someone actually!" I said.

"What's there name ma'am?" She asked nicely.


"Oh then! right this way ma'am!" She said walking toward a table.

I followed the woman but then Honey started running to a man I was shocked I ran after Honey. She jumped on the man on his lap licking his face I was breathing hard only realizing it was Philippines smiling his cute smile.

"Oh hey [Y/n] your a bit early!" He said.

" Yup! Just wanted to be early" I said taking a seat.

                                                    .                                        .                                          .

We ordered on drinks and sweets playing with other dogs Philippines being chased by puppies and dogs, I didn't so anything about and laughed while recording him.

"America! Save me!" He said.

I was confused and turned around and saw a tall dude I was terrified on how buff this dude was. Philippines ran up to the man and the dogs stopped chasing since they were tired and went to drink water. Then Honey came barking at him.

Honey bite his pants but he wasn't fazed by her since she was still small Philippines picked her up and put her in front of his friends face which stopped barking and licked his face. He laughed and asked he was doing here.

"Oh I'm actually here with my friend! Her name is [Y/n] and she's pretty sweet" He said gesturing me to come over.

"Hiya!" I said.

"Hey! My name is America" He said.

Then a sea of barking can be heard we turned around and saw Philippines being chased again and we laughed at him.

"Hey [Y/n].." America said.


"You know Philippines like you right? I mean he always talks about how sweet you are and how cute you are over the phone" America said smiling.

"You guys a thing or something?".

I blushed trying to process what America said when Philippines talks about me then he came over panting, he looked up at me if I was okay.

"America just said things about me when we talk over then phone and how you talk about me when I'm not around..." I said blushing.

"You guys should start dating" America said.

I blushed even harder turning away and Philippines just yelling and blushing.

"See you guys like each other and both of you are blushing when each other's name are mentioned" He teased.

Philippines clearly being annoyed had enough.

"FINE! IF THIS WILL SHUT YOU UP!" Philippines yelled.

He turned me around and kissed me.

Blood was coming out of my nose.

Game over.


"Hey bro I didn;t know you would kiss her and by the way I recorded everything and when ever you talk about her I recorded everything and sent it to my friends..." America.

"well played Putaangina mo" Philippines said.


Idk if that's how you say it yes I'm Filipino but I forgot how to speak mah own language... This was rushed and I ran out of ideas at the moment on how to end this....

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