|I got tagged, Bruh why|

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NHnhnhnhnhnhn okay lets do this! I'll add art later since I wanna do something fun for once!

    1) Favorite animal

I love wolves! Cuz they cool!

2) fav book?

World war 2

3) Crushes?

I wouldn't have any and if I did I must tell them because what's the point of having a crush if I'm just keeping it in..But I have more crushes on fictional character then people!

4) What do you want to be?

5) fav food?

5) fav food?

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6) race?

7) artist?

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7) artist?

8) fav ppl?

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8) fav ppl?

9) ships?

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9) ships?

10) friends?

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10) friends?

11) extrovert or introvert?

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11) extrovert or introvert?

11) extrovert or introvert?

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12) Gender?

13) Zodiac?

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13) Zodiac?


14) Relationship?

No go away....

Yeah That all I have for now since I am not fully functioning! And I did this on my phone not my laptop and my phone is broken so yeah.....

And here are the ppl and some are random since I don't follow that much people...( I would probably draw them too)











I tagged 10 motos so here yeah go!

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