Little notes.💙📝

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This is based off what I do with  @hell_b0y1 at school, which I find really fun and yes. I have probably 20 is I'm guessing since we did it while we had 2 classes together but sadly, he switched classes but pass notes during passing periods. And this story is based of what happened today and last year.

I sat in my first period class math. It wasn't bad like I thought it would be in the beginning of the year, but my friends it a lot better and funnier and my math teacher is pretty cool. I was doing homework from another class while he was going through warm up and homework answers. I rip a peace of binder paper and take my highlighters and pens to write a note for him.

Yes I was writing this for my best friend, Niue, how I knew him was in the first month of school. We had the same class art which is next period. My math teacher mr.G was still luckily still working on the answers since no one was really answering since there probably tired on a Friday. I began writing about our favorite show on Netflix voltron and I asked what was his favorite ship and guessed Klance. And started writing random little notes on the sides saying, "I miz u", "bored", "I need ur hugz boiiiiii", "u deserve my affection and luv", u r important little emo keef" and a bunch of UwU's since he started writing that.

Time skip

It was finally was for second period and I was the first one out since I was trying to get my locker since how tight and crowded it gets, people spilling tea, making out or probably start a fight. I popped in my code and grabbed my binder for the next class, I patted the note that it was in my ass pocket to make sure it didn't fall out. And arrived quickly to my class since it was sort of close to my locker. I arrived with my friend since of course we had the same class duh, how else we arrivin together? Anyways, I sat down in my seat rereading my note to Niue and waiting for him to arrive, I hear footsteps and humming I face the door since I knew it was him. This is what he usually does on a Friday. I grab the note out and gave it to him and return I get a note. I open it and read it.

To: (n/n)

Fr: Emo XD

Then I first part to only hit with UwUs and OwOs, with a cat and it saying "I'm gay". Then I begin opening it more, "IM SO BORED". "Dood 1th period is boring :(". " I miss you". "I want a hug". "I thought we ha d a bonding moment". "I'm not that emo". "I need 2 pee". I laughed at the last one and shook my head with a smile, I look up at my friend next to me to give a me a weird look since the paper was covered in hearts like not a couple but a lot. "Hush don't question it" I say giggling.

I turn around and see him smiling at the note with his cute smile, he looks up and me with a smile and looks at the note again. The bell rang which I didn't even notice until my teacher called me out.


Sorry I have been gone for a while, I wasn't feeling to well and school got me busy obv and hope you have a good night.

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