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Requested by: AlphpabettiSpaghetti

So sorry didn't do your request sooner! I had forgotten and got busy! But here it is. And I tried my best how to do a tsundere, lol i suck at it.

Reader's POV

 I was sitting in class reading a book ready for the class to begin until my best friend, [f/n] came and gave me a hug. 

"Hey [Y/n]! Your here early the usual..." She said smiling.

I smiled back and nodded, "Of course being here early means I can get things ready for class and have perfect attendance".

"Sigh...whatever you [Y/n]" She said shrugging and smiling in defeat.

Then I hear the door open seeing my crush, America, walk through the door. He wasn't really a early person more like a late person or whenever gets here. He walks toward his desk and places his stuff down and walks toward [f/n] and I giving us a wave. I scoffed in response and turned away continue reading my book, I could feel [f/n] being annoyed.

"[Y/n] stop being rude and say hello back" [f/n] said.

I shrugged in response not bothering even looking up at them, my book got snatched from my hands.

"Hey what the heck [f/n]!" I whined.

"You say hello to America here and you can have your book back" She said raising an eyebrow.

"What why the hell do I have to?" I snapped back.

"[Y/n]! stop being rude to him!" She whispered yelled.

I groaned in annoyance, I took a deep breath and sighed.

 "Hi", I say deadpanned. 

I snatched my book back from [f/n] and begin reading again, then the bell rang students pouring in the class.

"Bye...I guess" He said hurt.

I sighed in disappointment, "Why do you make me feel this why?".


I bought lunch from the school cafeteria which was [f/f] and sat in my usual spot with [f/n] and decided to go ahead and eat while waiting for her. Then I heard footsteps I turn my head and say "hello", but did not expect to see my crush again, my heart beating fast.

"What is he doing here?" I said.

"Well [y/n] his joining us for lunch okay" She said irritated.

"Sigh...whatever". They both sit in the opposite of me and take there lunch out I get up and excused myself to go the bathroom without waiting for there response.

As I enter the hallway and hear footsteps behind me I didn't bother turning around thinking it was another student trying to go somewhere. Then I felt someone grab my wrist preventing me to go anywhere and turn around seeing America looking hurt and upset.

"Why..." He said.

"Why what and let me go!" I snapped.


"What the hell are you talking about??" I said.

"Why...why are you so rude to me?" He snapped back loudly.

I was taken back, he let go of my wrist and see tears falling from his eyes. I was in shock he was crying I felt terrible and gave him a hug.

"Why are you so mean to me? What did I do wrong [y/n]" He asked.

I sighed.

"What your doing wrong is..whenever your near me my heart beats fast and I feel my face flush and I feel weak whenever I hear your damn voice America! A-a-and I hate this feeling your giving me!" I explained.

He looks at me with shock written on his face tears still streaming down his face, "You...you like me?".

"No you idiot do you ever think I will like you?" I said.

He looked hurt and more confused then ever, "I-I-...I don't understand".

"I don't like you America..." I said.

I tippy toe and give him a quick peck on the lips, 

"I love you my idiot".

Was that good? Or was that bad? Lol I just thought of that, sorry that i did your request like since you requested it August 23. Sorry about that! I hoped you enjoy this story!

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