Under the Mistletoe|Finland

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                 I sat there near the fire place with my homies. I know what century are you living in your thinking, well I would honestly live around the 50's since people didn't sit in there asses all day long. I was sitting with my best friend America and my not-really-real-brothers and my other good country friends. My dad ASEAN wanted to celebrate with family and friends. I wanted to help with decoration and force my other brothers to help which meant kicking them out of their beds. Dad gave us jobs on what to do and other things.

    I went to go bake cookies with Philippines and Martial and it was hectic since America came in and stole some of the cookies and Martial went to hunt him down. Me and Philip were laughing like crazy, but we made a new batch.

-Time skip to everyone being there-

  I was laughing like a hyena at this very moment as Belarus told me what had happened. I was basically gasping for air, my eyes were teary and I was to weak to even stand. We girls decided to stay in my room and told some stories while we where gone.

"Hey should we play truth or dare?" Japan asked.

We looked at each other and smiled. "Heya Turkey?" Ukraine asked.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"Truth or dare?" She asked.


"Is it true you like Greece?" Ukraine smiled like that Cheshire cat.

Her face was redder, redder than her own color, we laughed at her and she looked away blushing, "Whatever", she humped.

"Okay, okay. (y/n) truth or dare?" Vietnam asked.

"Dare" I scoffed.

"I dare you to kiss Finland under the mistletoe" She sneered.

"Deal" I say. But really I was dying in the inside, for a while now I had a crush on Finland, and I knew she knew that I had liked him. She only sneered when she knows something about you, she could use it against you or to help you.

We kept playing our game until someone called us to dinner. The door opened seeing Finland leaning against the door frame. "ASEAN has been calling you five times you know that right?".

Everyone quickly got and ran down the stairs leaving me with Finland. We look at each other and laugh at there reaction we walked downstairs together talking about random things. As we hit the bottom we hear someone scream, "STOP!".

We did as we were told they point up the ceiling and saw a mistletoe. They all smiled like the Cheshire cat. "(Y/n) we don't have to do this yo-". I cut him off by kissing him on his cold, chapped lips. We were moving in sync. I pulled apart and gave him a smile, "Merry Christmas".


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