When you pass

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Trigger(?) and sad.


       America found you dead in the graveyard on your sibling's grave. He saw the cuts on your wrist and one being deep killed you quickly, he saw the note in your hand one from your sibling and for him. He was so depressed that he began cutting, then in the note he saw what your wrote, he stopped and moved on.


     You died in the car crash. He survived and you didn't, when he found the news he broke, he got and ran to your own room and saw you there, your monitor slowly beeping and saw your eyes slowly closing. He was sad, his family and friends told him what you said. He respected your wishes and moved on.

North Korea:

    You died from saving a child being kidnapped. The town praised your for your savor and made a statue out of you. But Korea couldn't handle it without you. He missed your laughs, hugs and sweet nothings when he was stressed/sad. You weren't there to comfort him and cried all night.


    Your died from cancer. She stayed with you till the very end, her work let her leave just to see you. She was bringing flowers and saw you reading the book she got you, you gave her a sweet smile. You told her, what the doctors had said to you, she went crazy when she heard that. Sh kept denying that she was gonna loose you and the last time you'll be seeing each other. You shared your finale kiss and goodbye.


   You where murdered in your own home. When he got home, he found the house oddly quite when he went inside the kitchen, he found your body laying in your puddle of blood. He called the police, he went to your funeral. Him, friend and family released your ashes in the ocean where you wanted to be.


I am currently writing a story but don't know how to end it. :P

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