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Umm idk just I am bored and lonely but I am-ha


As I sit in bed nervous about today. Why you ask me?

Well today is the day the teacher is gonna inspect our hearts looking at it and well I'm nervous since he was telling us about it. And someone asked if our hearts where corrupted what would happen our teacher Mrs. Spinx wasn't sure she never had a corrupted heart at all. 

~2 days ago~

"Okay class where gonna do a heart inspection! It's where we show our hearts and there are different colored hearts depending on the personality and if your's has a crack tell me okay?" She said.

When I heard this I honestly gotten nervous and they recently discovered this and they where testing it hoping it would work. And my friend well crush Kiribati was really excited.

"yes Jessica!" The teacher said.

"Wait if the heart is corrupted how do you fix it?" She asked.

"Well that's the thing! Whoever has a corrupted heart we'll try to fix and figure it out how it happened!" She said too cheerfully.

~End of flashback~

As I did my daily routines for the morning I went down the kitchen thinking I was home expecting my parents to be here but of course no they died 2 years ago,  I share a dorm with my best friend. She said good morning and made me my [f/b] I thanked her.

"Okay you look nervous spill it!" She said motherly like.

"Fiiine...Where doing the heart inspection thingy and I am nervous!" I said as if I am going to die.

"Psshhh! Girl your the sweetest one here! If I never meet you I would've failed school and I would hang out with the baddies here!" She said complimenting me.

"Awww thank you!" I say.

"Hurry up or both of are gonna be late we have 10 minutes left!" She said hurriedly.

I looked at the clock and began rushing grabbing my stuff and rushing to my first class Math.

(Time skip bc I don't wanna write this)

As I got to my last class where we get to inspect our hearts I began getting nervous my legs felt like jelly my heart beating faster then ever. I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump.

"Oh my gosh I'm sorry [Y/n] I didn't mean to scare you that bad!" Kiribati said.

"It's okay I'm just nervous that's all!" I said scratching my neck.

He calmed me down by distracting me then we arrived to class he sat right behind me and gave me a thumbs up and class began.

"Alright class your gonna do the same thing listen closely and watch carefully!" Said Mrs. Spinx.

She took this thing and put it in front of her she hovered her hand over it as blue light shot out of it scanning her hand and puts it on her chest where her heart would be then her heart came out like holographic maybe. Then she places her hand over her chest again making the heart disappear she passed out the device and everyone started doing it I was honestly nervous I turned the device on the placed my hand over it scanning it.

Then placed my hand over my heart I breathed slowly as my heart showed it was cracked broken black goop falling from it I was scared everyone looked at gasped at me I was nervous I ran out the class. Tears streaming down my face as I ran outside of the school and back home luckily [bff/n] was still in school I opened the door locking it behind me running up to my bedroom slamming it crying heavily.

" I knew this would happen I knew this would happen!" I mumbled.

I heard tapping on my window I saw Kiribati looking worried. I ignored hoping he would go away but no, the tapping just got louder.

I got annoyed walked to the window opening it, "What do you want?".

"The hell do you mean 'What do you want?' you just the the freaking school!" He pointed out.

I let him in and we both sat in the bed together I burst out crying again , I was crying onto his chest.

" Do you still want to be my friend?" I asked.

"(Y/n) just shut up I don't want you as my friend I want you more then that!" He yelled.

" Best friends?" I teased.

"More..." He blushed.

I thought and waited, "Mega beat friends!".

He gave me the ' Are-you-freaking-stupid?' face. I laughed.

" I'm joking and plus why would you want too! I'm the girl with a broken heart!" I pointed out.

"And I want to help you with that..." He said giving me a kiss on the t forehead.

Sorry I took long I had a lot of trouble writing and I was reading a lot of It/Stranger Things prefrence which I don't know what it means and reading some Richie tozier,Bill,Eddie and Stan... I have no excuse what am I saying...btw mostly It prefrence.ヾ(*'∀`*)ノ.


(I wanna watch lion king)

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