I'm sorry|Philippines

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            I sat there listening to the pitter patter of the rain as it hits my window. I sigh deeply and thought of what happened earlier today just how could he. 


I sat there giggling and tickling each other with Philippines chasing each other around his house. We were having a blast making hot cocoas decorating his house I made a mistake he instantly got angry as I smack him with a pillow.

"PUTANINAMO!" He yelled.

I stopped my smiling quickly dropping into a frown I quickly run to his aid but him only pushing me back. 

"baby...I'm so sorry i didn't mean to" I say in a whisper.

"That fuckin hurt you dumb bitch" He shouted.

       That hurt my heart just those words. It felt like knives plunging into my heart, tears beginning to fall down my face I ran out his house calling my friend to pick me up from his house. She picked up the phone and I immediately started to sob I explained what had happened she said she'd be here in 5 minutes. As I looked to my left I saw Philippines looking around he then saw me and begin running towards me shouting my name. My body freezing in place then on the rode I saw her car she stopped in the middle of the road I dashed to her car hopping in and driving away.


 I heard a knock at my door assuming it being (f/n), "come in".

I heard the door open then hearing a soft click I burro my face in my arms I felt large hands on my shoulders. I was confused I spun around seeing Philippines guilt written all over his face, "Honey I'm so sorry..".

Tears begin pricking my eyes making my vision blurry, "Why would you say that?".

He stood there speechless scratching his arm looking at his feet, "I didn't mean to shout at you like that and call you names".

"that's all your gonna say?" I spat.

He looked hurt and confused, he was waiting for me to explain.

"You kno I'm sensitive and yet you say those words" I replied reminding him "I don't want to see you".

He looked at me now angry was coursing through him, "What?".

"I said I don't want to see you" I spat once again.


He gripped my arm tightly hurting me, I looked down at me feet. He let go and scoffed slamming the door behind him loudly that it could've shook the house.


This was pathetic. sorry.

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