Texting them at 3am

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Me: Yo Muraca!

Ame: Wtf?? Go to bed dumbass!

Me: But I have a question!

Ame: No go to bed!

Me: This is more important please!

Me: What happened if I drank a whole store full of gatorade?

Ame: I would kill you before you step foot into a store full of gatorade...


Me: Vodka man! I have a question!

Russia: No [Y/n]! Go to sleep got damnit!

Me: do you think cats will take over the world? And if so who will it's ruler be?

Russia: Hell yeah they will! And it will be me and you my queen!

Me: I love you


Me: Morning maple~

Syrup man: [Y/n]????

Me: No duh who else would it be dumbass?

Syrup man:.....


Syrup man: Go to bed it's 3am in the morning!

Me: Do you think every stuff animal is alive when your not looking and have a conversation with the other stuff animals?

Syrup man:....

Syrup man: stop watching toy story movies

Me: ;-;


Me: If rubbing alcohol fixes outside boo boo, then drinking alcohol fixes inside boo boo.

Ukraine: [Y/n] no.


Me: Are fish floating or drowning?

Philip: Mahal go to bed.

Me: no.

North Korea:

Me: How does Mike Wazoski cry?

NK: Left on read 3:01 am

Me: This is why no one loves you.

Hi guys I'm back,

I finally updated yay! Also I made a friend at school his name is Danny Dorito DeVito that's what i call him and Dorito DeVito if you see this.. Just know I lub you (no homo but just as freinds :D lol). Also I don't know what to be for Halloween, I want to be in a Dino onsie or be Georgie from IT and I watched Chapter holy I cried Cheese grit I cried. Eddie and Stanley I loved both you, you guys where awesome sauce characters.-Andy

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