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No limes. :D

This boi to cute innocent. :3

I was chilling with my cute boyfriend bean Poland we where watching Disney movies snuggling in the blanket watching a movie. I was snuggling in his chest smelling his lavender scented sweater he gave me a peck on the forehead then I pecked him on the cheek. This was just now a pecking contest to see who will give up, we had forgotten the movie then as the movie ended Poland gave up with the pecks.

"I win!!" I said proudly have the blanket around me.

I was giggling like a 5 year old girl as if she got a new barbie car and house. The I felt a pair of strong arms lift me in the air and plop me back on the couch. I was squirming around trying to break free from his grasp even though this boi is a stick he has strong arms.

"Poland please let me go i need to get me phone quick I promise I be back!" I said giving him a peck on the lips.

He let me go I saw on his face was a little blush and I smiled and ran upstairs without the blanket this time. I went upstairs and bust into the room running to my phone and texting my friends [F/n] and [2/F/n] and we where just spamming each other. I ran back downstairs seeing Poland missing from the couch I heard a glass shatter from the kitchen this makes me worried and ran to the kitchen.

There was a cute girl she was wearing what Poland was wearing with a bow she looked flustered and confused. She turned around seeing me and she blushed, "Poland?", I asked.

"[Y/n] mee!!!!!!" She begged running up to me and hugging me.

I stroke her hair calming her down and talking her to the couch and she explained everything that happened. I payed attention and tried to understand as much as I could since this was pretty random I even though if my friends did this to him or something else happened that caused this (Boi don't call me out-).

"Well Poland baby, I don't know what to do this has never happened so will just have to wait and see if it undo itself instead" I said trying to figure out a way to undo this.

She panicked since she doesn't our friends to see him like this, as a girl since they will make fun of him and maybe try using it as black mail. Then out of no where she groaned in pain hugging her stomach, "What is this pain...".

"Period...Your starting your period" I said.

"It hurts so much help me babyyyyyy" She cried.

I told her to wait here while I grabbed her a pad to sit on while I got everything ready for her. I went upstairs got her a new pair of fresh clothes and my undergarments, pads and a warm bath just to help it. I called her to come upstairs and she came like 10 minutes later since her stomach was hurting and there was a huge blood stain on her pants, "Poland you have to take your clothes off so you can wash the blood off while I clean your clothes...".

She went inside I could her shuffling out of her clothes and hopping into the shower I grabbed her a towel and her clothes placing it inside and grabbing her bloody clothes and throwing it out instead since cleaning of blood was a hard chance coming of since it might stain the clothes.

I heard her calling my name and I immediately run back upstairs seeing her in her own clothes but slightly bigger I just gave her my sweatpants so her pants won't keep falling off. Since her stomach was still hurting I grabbed heating pads and chocolate just in case gave her hugs and kisses and things she needed until she was done with her period or change back.

Finished: 9/23/29, 12:34 am.

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