You on your period

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Warning> This is girl stuff so I have some girl questions up a head so yea...

I had a conversation with Prandabear about halo halo...I'm craving some like right now  but I just had a donut and a bottle of diet coke. Yes diet, I prefer that some people don't like it and idk why. Okay and also so this is past 20k so...*pulls out gun* I'll be back. And this is a short one ;-;.

Also I've never had a painful period or anything they're pretty much nothing like how do you get mood swings? Like what do you do if there painful?

And sorry if these aren't as good? I litterly don't know anything


America will have a panic attack seeing blood come out thinking you are dying. Was about to call an ambulance told him not to since this happens to every girl you explained, will do anything for you buy you anything. Litterly had to search up ,'what to if my girlfriend has a period' and bought the necessary items for you.

Still thinks your dying and your lying to not saying your not dying.


A freaking pro. Knows what to do since he has a baby sister, buys heating pads and gets the bath tub ready when needed, buys ice cream and watches movie with you, does exercises with you. Will cuddle with you gives you massages will ask if your comfortable.


You where just sitting down then you where randomly bleeding, you bled on the couch ((poor couch :( )). Your groaned in pain and you called for Canada came running don with his axe in hand saw the blood stained couch and pants/shorts. Carried you to the bathroom, put on warm water and grabbed a towel for you later to draw off, he helped you relax and calm down massaging your stomach. 


She knows what to do duh. She had bought heating pads, made a healthy dinner, took warm baths with you, massages your stomach, cuddles and watched movies with you.Gave you Tylenol and Advil. Yes,  She watched Disney movies with you.


Poor boi. 

He thought you where turning into a zombie had a panic attack, you had to calm him down told him to get the shower ready, he went back for you and carried you upstairs and you took a warm shower. He had called a friend since he wasn't sure what to do he had called Japan and Belarus and asked what to do they told him what he needed to buy and so he did.

Once you where done he had bought everything that was on the list. Heating pads, Advil, Tylenol and Aleve, asked if you where okay and if you where uncomfortable massaged your tummy, cuddles watched you favorite shows/movies.

Husbando material. :)

Hope you had a good day!


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