annoying things you do

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-you mcsnatch his (weave) phone

-you text his friends and post random shit on twitter

-"i fucked yea bitch hoe."

-he checks his phone and it's blowing up

-and his friends are confused 

-you laughed your ass off


-waffles binch

-you got kicked out. lmao


-you called him short

-even tho he a little taller then u

- gets triggered

-you steal his sweaters

North Korea:

-you sing the minecraft songs with your friends

-do vines

-and cringy shit

-take hot cheetos and cream cheese

-he like, "Bish who dafuq u think u r hoe?".

when was the last story made? like a week ago?idk. hope u guys have a good halloween.

I also reduced the characters since it was little too much. I might do random characters add then take out and keeping the main ones. :|

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