You Being Cute

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This is just a scenario for fun, since you know school is coming up and I'm having a brain cell lost. And just I don't know anymore just freaking Voltron I'm in season 8 and stuff and I should just shut up about it. ;-;

CrimsonBlood-Chan Are you like dead or something you haven't texted me I'm going to spam you boi better answer me your just dead! >:( And this might be long ;-;.


You where angry at yourself. Why you ask because you got yourself sick and whenever you sneeze you sound like a kitty, yes it was annoying because America he would somehow catch it on camera! You where watching a movie with him and your squad you nose was scrunching up, ready for a sneeze. You where trying to prevent this, but nope you where to late.


"So cute!".

"Lucky you have that sneeze instead of sounding like a goose".

"GOT THAT ON CAMERA!" America would yell.

"HOW! LIKE HOW BOI!" I yelled.


He was talking a bath and you where chilling with you baby kitty, Snowball. Watching YouTube videos while she was on your chest napping then you looked at the desk seeing his ushanka, you always saw him wear it you got up and grabbed it. You put on your head and it was so fluffy like super fluffy, felt like heaven. You being distracted on how fluffy it was, you didn't hear the shower turn off then you felt yourself being picked up in the air.

"Ты выглядишь так мило в этой любви" He said. (You look so cute in that love)

You just blushed and looked he gave you a peck on the cheek and placed you onto his bed.

"Like what you see?~" He said.


You two where doing laundry he was doing the washer while you worked on dryer, you where holding a bucket of fresh smelling lavender scented clothes. You had the last batch of clothes and went upstairs to fold your guys clothes, you just finished yours then went to Canada's. As you reached for the bottom you saw his flannel since you saw him wear this all the time, you decided to wear it. You walked up to the mirror and admired yourself in his clothes.

"Sweetheart you looks so cute in my clothes!" Canada says wrapping his arms around your waist giving you a kiss.

North Korea:

While North was at his meeting you where hanging with your group or children you call them, you all where goofing around eating ice cream watching animes and doing movie marathons. You went upstairs to change into something comfortable since you where wearing booty shorts and a tang top and it was getting cold since you guys put the ac on and too lazy to turn it off. You where gonna where your Alpaca onsie until you saw his uniform on the bed you decided to wear it and see how it feels.

You slipped it on plus the black pants you walked to the mirror and looked at yourself you looked badarse. Then you heard a voice, your boyfriend's voice, "You look hot in that~".

"Shut up!" You say.

He walks up to you shutting the door behind him and happy ever after.


He was cooking downstairs, cooking food for the party that you guys where going too. You where looking for what type of swim wear your gonna wear and decided to go simple, you wear wearing a favorite swim wear then you saw Philip's bandanna. You decided to put it around your neck and looked at yourself and smiled.

"Awww! Mahal you look so cute!" He said hugging you.

You covered your blushing face in his chest and he gave you a peck on the lips and grabbed shorts and a sweater of his and went downstairs to help him cook.

This was short and cute! I was fangirling hardcore when SHIRO GOT MARRIED AND HE WAS GAY! SPACE DAD YAY!

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