Save me|Norway

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 Requested by: XxRose_woodxX

I habe no title I'm running out of ideas ....0^0

Puta names [P/n]


Your' POv

I was crying screaming in pain cuts on my arms thighs . I sniffed hoping this would stop the pain I couldn't take anymore I cried hard my throat sore and dry my eyes red and puffy.

"Come on little puppy no one can save you" Said [P/n].

I hang my head weeping my wrist ached from being tied tightly my knees bruised I heard whispering I cried hard, I yelped my hair pulled up to look at there leader holding a scalpel next to my cheek.

"Come on your making this boring fight back" Said a voice.

"Ugh! This is wasting my time now put her away!" She said waving her hand.

"No! No! NOOO!" I screamed.

Taping my mouth picking me up over the shoulder my tears would no longer come out like a faucet with no more water. I heard a low rumble everyone was listening then...


A huge monster truck busted in with people inside it was dark but the light coming from the car I saw in the back was Russia, Martial, Indo and in the front was Norway and Ame. I smiled but I felt something cold on my neck knowing it was knife, I was shaking at this point.

"help me please! help me!" I whimpered.

"What the fuck do you think you are?" She spat.

"LET HER GO!" Norway yelled in anger.

"Makes you think we'll do that?" She smirked.

"Or else we'll do this!" Russia said grabbing an AK-47 other guns and weapons.

"Tec. We've got the same!" She yelled.

"Put her away" She mumbled to the man carrying me.

"ATTACK!" She yelled.

The man put me in a cell he smirked locking the room I couldn't hear anything but my heavy breathing my eyes felt heaving I felt sometime going down my cheek my arms hurt my legs sore with beating and cuts. I tried to open my eyes as much as possible, but I couldn't my eyes shut nothing but pitch black.

(time skip by Russia trying to nuke America)


I opened my eyes seeing light closing them again and slowly opening them adjusting to the bright light. I look around I was at the hospital my arms bandage I saw Norway asleep on the chair I loom out the window it was night, how long was I out?

I heard groaning, Norway was slowly waking up and he saw me...

We stared into each other's eyes tears in his getting up hugging me hearing him sob he cupped my cheeks kissing my lips.

"Don't leave me....Please" He begged.

Tears coming down my eyes I hugged him, "Thank you for saving me".


I'm so sorry that this came out hella late I was out and gone for days but here it is I'm so sorry... And sorry it was shrt it's Sunday man and it's sooo hot.

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