Chapter Four - The Book

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"But his mother just died!"

"Exactly, I knew it was dangerous coming here and now look what's happened! We need to go now!"

"No father! You can't make me leave him now!"

I walked through the church listening into everybody else's conversations to distract myself from the harsh reality and the horrible horrible event that occurred not so long before.

"I can't be him, he's chasing after the..."

"Do you think it was them?"

My Aunt Vivian's body had been taken away and my new family had been escorted inside the church, though Duncan and I stayed outside for a while. We only went back indoors because we heard a rustle in the bushes and got scared. By then we were soaking wet from the rain.

"Should we go and talk to them?" I asked.

"What if they don't want to see us?"

"That's what I was thinking"

"But what if they want us to?"


"My head is messed up at the moment"

"So is mine"

"We should just sit here" said Duncan. I agreed and we sat about five rows away from the grieving siblings.Aunt Agnes was talking to the priest, still covered in Aunt Vivian's blood. Liam and Valerie were still covered in mud and Liam's girlfriend had gone from arguing with her father to sitting with her boyfriend and his sister.

Her younger brother walked up to her and after what seemed like a mini-argument between them, he lifted the fringe that covered his eye and the girl kissed Liam before walking away with her brother.

They walked up to us and the girl said "look after him" to me and Duncan then she joined her father and sister and the small family of four left.

"Come on" I said. I walked over to Liam and Valerie, with Duncan behind me.

"Hi" Duncan whispered and the siblings looked up at us, "I'm so sorry"

"We both are" I said

"Everybody is" said Liam.

The drive home took just over an hour, though it felt like five and it was silent.

When we got home, Aunt Agnes immediately grabbed a box and marched upstairs into Valerie's bedroom. Duncan, Valerie, Liam and I were frantically following her during this time and we entered Valerie's bedroom to see Aunt Agnes putting everything from the top shelf of Valerie's closet into the large cardboard box.

"Mom! Stop it!" Valerie shouted.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Liam asked.

"We are never going back to them"

"Mom, stop, you're acting just like Emily's father, please just stop"

"I am your mother, you cannot tell me what to do, now go downstairs! I'm ridding this house of anything related to them"

"Aunt Agnes"

"Go downstairs."

We sat in the living room for about a half hour. After that, though she was upstairs, we could all hear Aunt Agnes exiting her room and making her way along the corridor to the stairs. That's when Liam turned to his sister.

"Where's yours?" he asked her.

"In my pocket, why?"

"Give it to me, I'll hide it"

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