Chapter Twelve - Passing Notes

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Hello - K.B.

Klaus, what is this? - I.Q.

Are you actually interested in finding out how Mrs. Bass finds these objects - K.B.

Not at all, how was running laps last night? - I.Q.

Just as tiresome as the two nights before - K.B.

I don't get what he could be planning - I.Q.

I think I might - K.B.

I'm going to leave the class, meet me in the broom closet in five minutes - I.Q.

"Mrs Bass" I said raising my hand. "Could I go to the bathroom, please?"

"Hurry up" she said. I grabbed my bag, then left the class.

I walked to the broom closet and a few minutes later, Klaus joined me.

"So? What's your idea?" I asked.

"Tomorrow's the  biweekly school field trip, right? Where the school participates in activities like archery in a forest"

"Yes. I've heard about Carmelita's attempted murder of students during archery"

"We're not allowed to go" said Klaus.

"I'm also aware of that. We don't have a signed permission slip from a parent or guardian. But it's okay, Olivia said that even though we're the only orphans in the school, Vice Principal Nero always makes her stay behind to look after the school. We'll be able to research all day and it'll be fun"

"Not this time" I said.

"What do you mean?"

"Last night, I heard Count Olaf talking to the hook-handed man and he convinced Vice Principal Nero to let Olaf and his henchmen stay behind, instead of Olivia. This must have been his plan all along. He has earned Vice Principal Nero's trust and tomorrow...tomorrow he's going to take me and my sisters away"

"And me and my brother, at least that's what he said that day ,right before the pep rally"

"What can we do?"

"Klaus have you ever heard of the last name Lyons, or Pechman"

"No, I haven't why?"

"No reason"

"I think we should tell the Baudelaires about what happened when we were living with our Aunt's" I said to my brother. We had just arrived back to the broom closet after Vice Principal Nero's recital, which means that it was around midnight.

"Why? They have enough to worry about"

"But Duncan. They had spyglasses"

"Who did?"

"Liam and Valerie. I wasn't sure until earlier today at lunch when it was in my hands but I know that the objects that Liam risked our lives, his life and his little sisters life for were spyglasses"

"I don't understand"

"The Pechman's. Don't you see? Liam said that he worked with our parents and Aunt Agnes, his mother, had the Incomplete History Of Secret Organisations and-"

"Isadora. You're tired and worried about the Baudelaires. I'm not dismissing what you are saying but Liam, Valerie and the Lyons, whoever they are, won't help us get rid of Count Olaf"

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