Chapter Thirty Six - Baudelaires?

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Later that evening, in the freaks caravan, we were discussing the lions. Everyone was scared but Kevin, Hugo and Colette were all convinced that it would be good for the carnival. Esme entered into the Freaks Caravan and invited all of the freaks outside. Duncan and I watched, secretly, from inside the caravan and couldn't hear what they were talking about but we did see the freaks shocked faces after Esme said something to them.

When Esme dismissed them, they walked back into the Freaks Caravan. Elliot, Beverly and Chabo looked scared and worried. Kevin, Hugo and Colette looked better than before, they looked optimistic for the next day.

"What did she say?" I asked.

"She wants us to-"

"Elliot, she told us not to tell them" said Hugo.

"Tell us what? What's going on?"

"I'm sorry triplets, but she doesn't want you interfering and neither do we" said Kevin

"Really? None of you are going to tell us what's going on"

Beverly was about to say something when Colette interrupted "we are sorry triplets but Ms Squalor told us not to tell you"

"We should all just go to sleep now, it's a big day tomorrow!" said Hugo.

"Goodnight triplets" Hugo, Kevin and Colette all said at the same time. They all got into their beds and started to fall asleep.

Chabo, Beverly and Elliot looked at us for a minute before they all got into their bed and I lay down on the floor beside Duncan.

"I'm as confused as you. We are going to stop Count Olaf though aren't we? They were just rude to us but we're still going to try and save whoever is picked tomorrow, right?"

"Of course we are. They may have been quite rude to us but we aren't the sort of people who would stand by and let Count Olaf murder someone"

I lay with my eyes closed.

"Do you think we should tell them?"

"We can't do that Klaus, if they knew we were here, they could get hurt even more"

"Then when can we tell them?"

"Tomorrow. I promise, when we finish fixing the roller coaster, we can tell the Quagmires"

"I miss them"

"They're right in front of us"

"I miss being with them, did you see Duncan earlier? He saw us and fled"

"He was just scared, we would be too. Let's go"

Baudelaires? They were there.

Waking up with a dagger pointed at you and your brother is exactly as terrifying as you'd think it is.

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