Chapter Twenty Five -

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For this next chapter, I have to ask Duncan to help me.

I fell to the ground and hit my head on the ground, I was still conscious but everything was going blurry and I couldn't move.

Duncan was screaming my name and I saw him quickly climb down from the ladder. Klaus got down for the truck and ran to me. He grabbed my hand and I could see his face, his terrified face. I could barley see it but I knew it was there. The mob still chanted, trying to kill us. But Violet distracted them by commenting that Esme was carrying a mechanical device.

Duncan arrived to my side and tried to keep me awake.

"Duncan. We have to go!" said Klaus.

Duncan suggested that he could carry me to the truck but was reminded by Sunny that there was no gas.

Hours later, Duncan had carried me from the village and was being very protective of me. Duncan is telling me that Klaus was trying to help him, resulting in Duncan shouting at Klaus, harmlessly.

The group stumbled upon an abandoned van. Sunny suggested that we steal it but because of her siblings morals, we didn't. Instead, Violet said that she could go to the store, that could be seen easily from where we were, with Sunny to get something to help me while Duncan and Klaus waited with me in the van. Klaus agreed immediately but my brother insisted that Klaus went with his sisters. The Baudelaires helped Duncan take me into the van then bid farewell.

Duncan talked to me while I was unconscious, explaining everything that had happened. There was a knock on the back doors of the van. He thought it was the Baudelaires but... it wasn't.

"How did you find us?" Duncan asked.

"Easily" said Esme.

Count Olaf pushed Duncan to the side and Esme grabbed onto him. "Get off me!" he struggled.

"We saw five children enter a van and three children leave, you do the math. Where's the girl?" Count Olaf explained.

Duncan told him that I was laying at the front of the van. He stepped into the van and (according to Duncan) screamed when he saw me. Esme threw Duncan onto the floor and shrieked when she saw me. Duncan started shouting at the both of them, blaming them for everything. This made Count Olaf's henchpeople leave the long black automobile to see what was going on. Count Olaf instructed the book-handed man and the bald Henchman to tie the van to the car, "because it was good for storing orphans", and the henchperson of indeterminate gender to stay with Esme, watching over me. Finally he told the white-faced women to wait outside the front of the store while he took Duncan inside to find the Baudelaires. Duncan tried to resist, wanting to stay beside me, but he was still taken away.

When Duncan was taken inside, he saw the Baudelaires before Count Olaf and mouthed that they should run. Duncan says that Violet gave him a worrying look but went along with what he said. Count Olaf chased the Baudelaires around the Last Chance General Store while they tried to grab Duncan off of him and Duncan tried to get away from Count Olaf. To quote Duncan sitting beside me "it was all just a big mess". My brother did get away from Count Olaf for a minute but told the Baudelaires to escape while they could, for he didn't want to leave me. So Duncan gave himself up as the Baudelaires snuck out of the back. When Count Olaf realised, he ran out of the store with Duncan and they both saw the Baudelaires sneak away in a van labelled 'V.F.D.'

When they got back to the van, Duncan ran to my side as Count Olaf told his associates what had happened. The bald henchman asked if Count Olaf had gotten anything for me, he hadn't. That's when Count Olaf revealed that the Baudelaires were heading to Heimlich Hospital. Esme said that Olivia told her that the Sugar Bowl was there.

"Who's staying with the orphans?" asked Count Olaf.

"Not it!" said Esme.

The bald henchman said "I went to medical school", shocking Count Olaf who he had known for a long time.

"I once watched a movie with a doctor in it" said the henchperson of indeterminate gender. Esme said that he should stay too.

During the journey to the hospital, the bald henchman told the henchperson of indeterminate gender to sit in the drivers seat while he and Duncan helped me. Also during the journey, Duncan talked to me.

Upon arrival to Heimlich Hospital, Olaf told Duncan to take off his Prufrock Prep blazer and my blazer too, soon we weren't recognised. When they entered the hospital, they were greeted by a stack of paperwork that had to be filled out in the name 'Dr. Desmond Doctorman', which was Count Olaf's new disguise.

After all the paperwork was filled out, I was put onto a stretcher and the villains (+ my brother) started waking towards the Library of Records. Olaf told the all of his henchpeople to take me to a room to "bandage her up, or whatever" while he took Duncan to find the Baudelaires. Esme said that she had to go with Olaf because she didn't want another Baudelaire to take her Sugar Bowl. Duncan was taken to the Library of Records, and he doesn't really know what happened to me. What he does know is that when he got back from searching for the Baudelaires/the Sugar Bowl with Esme and Count Olaf, and searching for a bottle of parsley soda with just Esme, my right arm was bandaged up, my left leg was bandaged up and there was a bandage across my head.

The group of villains then went to carry out 'Plan B' and left the door unlocked because they thought that Duncan would never leave without me.

I woke up and as I opened my eyes, I felt something scrunched in my hand. It was a note from my brother:

Dear Isadora,
If you wake up before I save you, don't be scared, Count Olaf caught us again and we are in Heimlich Hospital. Olaf left the door open, thinking that I  would never leave you, and I wouldn't but it was a perfect opportunity to escape . I have gone looking for the Baudelaires , they are hopefully in/near the Library of Records , that's where I saw them earlier. I'll  come and find you as soon as I've caught up with them, that includes KLAUS !  Again, don't be scared.

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