Part 8 - Apples

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Day 27 on the island...

We were so sure he was gone.

We were so sure they were gone.

We were so sure we could find happiness.

We were so wrong.

Earlier this morning, we were ready. We snuck out of our beds with all the things we wanted to bring with us. The Baudelaires, Quigley, Naomi and I all met in the Baudelaire's tent. There was another storm the previous night so we had to get away quickly before anyone noticed.

Sunny waited in the tent while Violet, Klaus, Naomi, me and Quigley pushed the boat round to the shortest part of the seawall. Then, and this part was extremely difficult, lifted the boat over the seawall. Naomi came up with the idea that we tied a piece of rope to the outrigger and while she stood holding the rope, the rest of us got our supplies. It was a good plan but we got caught by Ishmael and the rest of the islanders.

"What are you children doing?" Ishmael asked.

"We're leaving the island" said Klaus.

"Well, I would prefer it if you didn't do that"

"We don't care what you would prefer, you've been lying to everyone here!"

"What are they talking about Ishmael?" asked Miranda Caliban.

"Castaway!" shouted Friday just as Ishmael was about to lie, most likely.

Ishmael brought out his V.F.D. spyglass and looked over to the large pile of books that had washed up on the island.

"She appears to be hurt and very pregnant!" said Ishmael.

"It can't be" I said.

"Kit!" shouted Klaus.

"Kit!" shouted Quigley.


We didn't even have to turn around to know who answered.

There he was, in a long dress that bulged at the belly. Count Olaf.

"How are you here?" asked Violet.

"I don't know what you are talking about. As you can see, I am Kit Snicket and I am very pregnant" Count Olaf said in a high pitched voice.

The islanders started saying that he was obviously Count Olaf and Klaus got out a spyglass.

"It is Kit!" he said.

The Baudelaires, my brother and I ran up to the books and climbed on top.

"She's breathing" I said.

"What happened to her?" asked Klaus,

"I don't know" said Violet. "I'll wrap the ankle and stay here with Sunny. You three can handle Count Olaf"

Klaus, Quigely and I climbed down the books and while Klaus ran over to check Naomi was okay, me and my brother listened to Count Olaf and Ishmael's cryptic argument.

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