Chapter Fifteen - Running

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"I'm impressed you know how to pick a lock"

"You'd be impressed how often it comes in handy"

Half an hour later, Violet had picked the lock of the library, letting us in for the first time in over a week. Duncan and I gave the Baudelaires our schoolbooks and started helping with everything else. Sunny sat on a chair in the corner, making a fake pair of glasses for Duncan to wear. Violet, Klaus and Duncan all made the Sunny stand in. I made a fringe (like Violets) made out of some lace that Klaus found in the kitchen.

I put it in my hair. "How do I look?"

"Different" said Klaus. "Which is good. Not that you didn't look good before. I mean, you do, you did, do look. Sunny, how are those glasses coming?"

I smiled.

"You guys can still back out now. We can find another way to pass the tests"

"My sister and I won't sit-"

Violet shushed him. We turned around and saw the hook-handed man's silhouette looking through the door. He walked away

"We'd better hurry" Violet said urgently.

"Us too" my brother said.

We all stared at each other.

"I have this feeling we're never going to see you again. You could always go back to your broom closet and forget all about this"

"Is that what your parents would do?"

"Our parents aren't here"

"I bet they taught you the same thing our parents taught us"


"What friends are for"

I smiled remembering all the times our parents said those words, all the many times. When Duncan, Quigley and I were fighting. When they always had to leave on trips to help their friends in need. In their long speeches before they left to go on another business trip. Those four words meant a lot to our parents which means they mean a lot to us.

"You guys go first, and we'll wait till it's clear"

Sunny gave Klaus the makeshift glasses and he walked round the tab,e to give them to my brother. "Duncan, you'll need these"

Duncan put them on. "Perfect"

"And Isadora, take this" he gave me the spyglass. "Keep it. If anything goes wrong you might need a spyglass"

"I don't think anything will go wrong. We'll see you Baudelaires before long" I kissed Klaus' cheek and he walked off with his sisters.

I knew we did not look like Violet and Klaus. We had different colour eyes and different hairstyles. We were shorter than the Baudelaire and had smaller feet, meaning it was difficult to walk in the 'special' S.O.R.E. shoes. But I still had hope. The Baudelaire siblings took one last look at us, then snuck away.

"Let's finish this then?" I said, pointing to fake Sunny.

"So we're not going to talk about what just happened between you and Klaus?"


Count Olaf blew a whistle when we arrived at the field, dragging fake Sunny behind us. "You're late!" he shouted in his Coach Genghis voice. He talked to his henchpeople for a minute then after most of them left, he talked to the hook-handed man. After a few more minutes, he blew the whistle again and told us to start running.

"How do you think the Baudelaires are doing?"

"They'll be doing fine"

"Are you sure that you don't want to talk about you and Klaus"

"I'm sure Duncan"

"It may not be particularly wise, but it's a thrill to be in disguise"

"Run, baby, run!"

"What?" said Duncan. The string that he was using to pull 'Sunny' along had snapped. Count Olaf kicked 'Sunny' and flour exploded in his face.

"What do we do?"

"Keep running"

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