Chapter Twenty Seven - Files

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Violet unlocked the door to the Library of Records and locked the door behind us.

"Where do we look first?" I asked.

"You can sit down" said Klaus.

"I'm pretty sure I can walk around and look through files"

"Isadora. One of your legs are probably broken and one of your arms too. Plus, your head looks... unfortunate"

"Klaus. You can't tell me what to do, I know when I'm in pain and I'm not. Also, I'm older than you"

"But I can" said Duncan. "You may be older than Klaus, but I'm older than you. So sit down and we'll search for the Snicket File" 

I sat down in a chair and Violet sat Sunny down opposite me. Then she went to look with Klaus and Duncan.

"Well" said Klaus "Hal said that he had specific instructions for a thing labelled Snicket"

"That we should start with S" said Duncan and Violet at the same time, holding hands.

They looked through the files:
"Secretary to sediment."
"Shed to sheep-shank." 

I got up out of my chair, Sunny told me to stop but I told her I wasn't going to sit around. I went and looked for things labelled Baudelaire. Luckily, the drawer was left open and I looked through. There was a section labelled Baudelaire, but it wasn't what I thought it would be. There was three separate files inside the Baudelaire section: Violet Baudelaire, Klaus Baudelaire and Sunny Baudelaire. I took all three files and closed the drawer. 

Walking back towards Sunny, I heard her say "V.F.D."

"That could work"  Violet said.

Next thing I knew, Violet, Klaus and Duncan were walking towards me.

"I told you to stay still. I don't want you getting hurt" Duncan said.

"And I told you, I'm fine. Violet. Could I borrow those keys please?" I asked her

"Erm, sure Isadora, but be careful"

She continued to walk along to the South Wall, with both of her siblings and my brother, where there was movie projectors and I walked over to search for Quagmire.

"Quadratics to Quoteworthy" I whispered to myself. I used the keys to open the file cabinet and flicked through until I found a section labelled Quagmire with files that were almost identical to the Baudelaire files, I looked at the Baudelaire Files and inside was information about Violet, Klaus and Sunny. There was so much about them, pictures, their fears, their achievements, their allergy to peppermints (I didn't read all of it though, I skimmed through a few pages) and at the top of each page was the V.F.D. logo. I then looked at the Quagmire files which contained the same information about me, Duncan and Quigley, why though? Suddenly and idea came to me, I took the Quagmire file and closed the cabinet. I hobbled over to the L section, L for Lyons. There I found three files: Emily Lyons,Edward Lyons and Elizabeth Lyons. Then I started walking towards the P section for Pechman. I was walking past the main door when it opened,

"Well, well, Well, look what we have here" said Count Olaf's girlfriend "I am Esme Gigi Genevieve Squalor" she said taking steps towards me in her (literal) stiletto heels.

"I know who you are" I spat.

"Isadora? Come on, the video is starting!" shouted my brother front the other end of the room.

"All of you are here?" smiled Esme "what a pleasant surprise"

"Why are you here?"

"I saw you hobbling around on the security tapes, you should really be more careful, you never know who's watching. I was going to use you to find out where the Baudelaire's are, and get my Sugar Bowl, but now I get to return to Olaf with not just you but the Baudelaires, your living brother and the Sugar Bowl"

"Duncan!" I shouted, painfully running to the south wall.

"You can't run from me Isadora!" Esme laughed

I was crying from pain, my breathing was heavy and rough, and my vision was getting blurry when I ran into Klaus' arms.


"She found... She..." I could barley speak.

"Issy!" said Duncan running over with Sunny and Violet.

"Breathe" said Violet. I heard the clink of Esme's shoes getting louder and louder as she got closer and closer.

"What happened?" said Klaus.

"Esme" I said. "She's here"

"Isadora. It's okay. We'll get out of here" Klaus said, helping me to my feet.

"I'm in pain. I'm in so much pain right now"

"We have to get out of here" said Duncan

"What about the Snicket File?" asked Violet.

"Found you." sneered Esme.

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