Chapter Fifty - Wasabi

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We went up to her. "Valerie!" I said.


"Follow us" said Duncan.

Luckily, Duncan had remembered the way to get back to the Queequeg and once we had climbed down, we went to the kitchen where Klaus, Violet, Quigley and Fiona were hurriedly looking through the cupboards for horseradish, which is a cure for Medusoid Mycelium. But they couldn't find any horseradish at all.

"What happened to her?" asked Valerie.

"Wasabi" said Sunny.

Violet got a jar of wasabi out of a cupboard and Klaus got a spoon. We all covered our mouths as they took the helmet off of Sunny's head and fed her the wasabi

"It's working" said Violet.

"We've turned the tables on that terrible fungus"

Sunny looked to Violet and Klaus. "Saved me" she said.

"You saved yourself" said Violet.

"We had wasabi the entire time, but we didn't think to use it until you told us"

"It worked" said Violet, walking into the main hall.

"She's sleeping now, but she'll be up biting again in no time"

"I'm glad she's okay" said Fiona.

"We all are" I said.

"We couldn't have done it without you" Violet said to Fiona.

"I sealed the helmet with a dinner plate and some chewing gum so the fungus can't get out"

"You didn't destroy it?" said Valerie

"No, we saved it for you, Fiona"

"It's a valuable specimen for a talented mycologist" said Klaus

"This is an incredible find. The poison of a volatile fungus can be the source of some powerful medicines" said Fiona.

"But, the fungus is incredibly dangerous" said Valerie.

"Well, maybe something good can come out of something bad" said Violet, looking at Valerie very suspiciously.

"This is Valerie" I said, breaking the silence.

"Nice to meet you again Valerie" said Quigley.

"Again?" I asked.

"I was only with the Snow Scouts as a mission, everybody's been looking for all of you, excluding Fiona of course. I used a different name in case something happened"

"What name did you use?" Duncan asked.


"Oh..." I said.

"What's wrong with the name Vivian?" Klaus asked.

"It was my mom's name"

"Attention: all volunteers" Fiona shouted, to get our attention, in her hands she held a telegram, she read it out loud "Please arrive to the Last Safe Place by two weeks on Thursday . The Hotel Denouement. And it's signed J.S."

"Like the initials from the headquarters" said Quigley.

"Our parents went to the Hotel Denouement a long time ago" said Violet

"It's a seaside hotel" said Klaus

"We can take the sub there" said Violet

"I'll start charting a course" said Quigley

"And I'll repair the damage to the sub"

"I repaired the damage myself, but we're not going anywhere"

"What do you mean?"

"Captain's orders. We wait"

"For what?" -

"We don't have time to wait"

"Count Olaf could discover we're missing"

"She who hesitates-"

"I'm not hesitating. I'm deciding. We're not leaving. Not yet"

"Whatever this is about, you can tell us" said Klaus

"She not gonna tell us anything" I said,

"She's hiding something" said Violet

"Have you not told them, Fiona?" asked Valerie.

"Told us what?" I asked.

"I told you she was hiding something" said Violet.

"She's not hiding anything!" said Fernald at the door.




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