Chapter Sixty Eight - The 'Hospital'

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A month later...

It had been two days since Liam had left the 'Hospital'. The 'Hospital' is the room in which Liam, Teddy and I were placed after we were found by Klaus Baudelaire, of all people. Teddy wasn't the happiest when he found out. But in all honesty we haven't really seen anyone. I can barley remember Klaus unlocking the door nor the rest of that day. I remember his scream though.

Emily is the only person who gets to come and see us, because of her training to become a doctor. It hasn't been easy for the others from what we've been told, Liam wanted to help his sister that's why he left. Teddy and I have tried to leave but Emily won't allow us. According to her, Duncan, Quigley and the Baudelaires are quite adamant on me staying here. They've tried to sneak into the 'Hospital' but they've failed every time.

Count Olaf and Esme's mystery guests haven't arrived yet, we still have no idea who they are but there's been theories. They visit the 'Hospital' occasionally, only when they're sick of being horrid to the others really, and when they want to check if we are better yet. We are better but Emily keeps telling them otherwise. Alice and Carmelita have visited once, they were almost caught though, if Olaf and Esme found out that they were going to help us, I don't know what would happen.

It does get boring here, being in the same room for a month it was kinda inevitable but at least we have each other. Teddy and I have even kissed (more than once), and bonus he hasn't kissed another girl, which is new.

I'd like to see Klaus, I think we need to talk. When Liam talked to me about feelings and that I guess I understood him, I love Teddy. Klaus, I think, I don't know, I can't, I might, I shouldn't...

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