Chapter Fifty Four - The Beach House

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I woke up in a sickly painted room, in a very uncomfortable bed beside Duncan and Quigley who were still knocked out, it looked like a hotel room (even though it was not) but I didn't even question why. I just knew I had to get our of there.

Just as I was getting out of the king size bed, Quigley woke up.

"Isadora?" he asked.

"It's me" I said.


"He's still... asleep, right beside you" I said sitting back on the bed.

"What happened? We were running then I collapsed"

"They drugged us" I said.


"Like in a movie, they had a rag with something on it"

"Are you okay? You aren't hurt or anything?"

"I'm fine, do you think the Baudelaires-"

"They'll find us. They have to. Isadora, since Duncan is... asleep, can I tell you something?"


"It's Violet. On Mount Fraught, when we were on our way to save you, Duncan and Sunny, there was this, I don't know, there was something between us"

"You and Violet?"


"The same Violet who Duncan has had a crush on since he met her?"


Unknown to Quigley and I, Duncan had woken up. He started shouting at Quigley and Quigley started shouting at Duncan. Before long, they were properly fighting. They were shouting at each other like they were rabid animals.

"Stop!" I screamed. 

They looked at me.

"Someone's coming"

It had been a long, long week since we arrived at the Beach House. We probably got three hours of sleep a night each. If we weren't slaving around after Olaf, Esme and Carmelita, we were locked in the room. Duncan was once locked in the room for two days straight. Quigley was guaranteed to be let out of the room at least twice a day because he's the best chef out of the three of us. As for me, the longest I spent locked in the room was a day. Esme was and still is convinced that I can sew, so she has had me sew together many outfits by hand - I have pricked my finger many times. But pricking my finger wasn't the worst thing that could happen while we were at the Beach House, we have had many punches thrown our way. Duncan had a black eye and a cut on his cheek. I had a cut just above my left eyebrow. Quigely wasn't as bad as Duncan or me. At the time, anytime he was punched or hurt, it wouldn't show on his face. My brothers made up after their fight, they both agreed that they wouldn't talk about it until we were rescued by the Baudelaires. Oh, the Baudelaires. They still hadn't found us. Neither had Liam and Valerie or any of their associated. We hadn't seen the Man or the Woman since we were knocked out. The day we arrived, we each received a navy blue suit with a red tie to wear and hadn't changed since.

One morning, the eighth day, Duncan and I had been locked in the room for around five hours and suddenly Quigley was thrown into the room with the door locked behind him.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"What happened?"

"You're bleeding"

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